Millicent narrowed her eyes on Isabel. “You said ladies don’t do that.”

Ah, so she was listening. “Well, yes. But see, I grew up with four brothers, and they taught me a few unladylike activities.”

“Like my papa taught me!”

“Right. And gentlemen do not always know which activities are ladylike and which are not. That is why a lady needs education from her governess.”

Millicent puffed her lips. “Why do gentlemen get to do whatever they like, but ladies need to be ladylike?”

Isabel blinked. She did not have a good answer to this question. She squinted in thought. “Well, there are many things gentlemen are not allowed to do either. There are rules in this society one must follow. However, just because you are not allowed things in public doesn’t mean they are completely forbidden.”

“They are not?”

“No. At least not around family.”

Millicent seemed to consider that idea before she turned toward Isabel again. “Does it mean that I can sling rocks, swim, and do other unladylike things around you?”

Isabel’s heart swelled. Did Millicent just call her family?

“Yes,” she said with a nod. “You can.”

“Can we do it now?”

Isabel looked at her still tender ankle with a slight grimace.The sacrifices one makes for family…“Yes, let’s do it now.”

Isabel and Millicent spent a few hours outdoors slinging rocks and playing fetch with Button. Then they went to visit the villagers. Isabel talked to tenants and spent time with her friend, Lilian, while Millie played with the village children.

Isabel had not imagined that the day with Millicent—the pouting, quiet child, who preferred the company of a dog and servants to Isabel’s—would be so pleasant.

Later, they had supper together and then spent an hour reading in Millie’s nursery.

When the time came for Millie to go to bed, Isabel tucked the girl in and sat at the edge of the bed.

Millicent frowned. “Will Papa come to wish me goodnight?”

Isabel swallowed. “No, dear. Not tonight. He is still taking care of the Thornsby estate, but he shall come home soon, I promise.”

“Then can you ask Edith to sing to me?” Millie asked.

“I can sing to you if you want,” Isabel said softly.

Millie looked at her queerly. “I would like Edith to sing.”

Isabel smiled, although a huge boulder lodged in her throat. “Of course.”

She tucked the covers tightly over Millicent as her heart sank. She should not be upset over the girl’s rejection. They’d only spent one day alone together. Surely it took longer than that to earn the little girl’s trust.

Isabel stood and walked toward the door and pulled the servants’ bell. Edith hurried in a few moments later, and Millicent smiled brightly.

“Good night,” Isabel whispered as she left the room.

* * *

Vane had a difficult day. He worried about Millie his entire trip to the Thornsby estate, but all his worries were replaced with horror as soon as he got there.

The note he’d received earlier did not exaggerate. The consequences of the flooding were devastating. A few houses were affected, some livestock and food provisions.

Vane spent a few days digging people’s belongings out of their cellars and making certain everyone had a roof over their head for the next few weeks. Restoring those homes would not be an easy feat.