Chapter 17

Isabel decided there was no reason to pout about the house just because her husband had urgent business on another estate. She had promised Millicent a ride around the estate, and she would deliver.

Before Millicent came downstairs, Isabel spoke to Mrs. Ainsworth about the workload for the day. She spoke to the artist, Emmeline, who was painting the walls, and realized that her room was done. It just needed to air out for a few days, and then Isabel would be ready to move in.

This was perfect timing. Now that Vane had left, Emmeline was free to paint his chamber, and perhaps it would be done just in time for his arrival.

As she passed the butler, Mr. Monroe, he apprised her that there were a couple of letters in her husband’s study about the governess position and a few letters from her family.

Isabel smiled. It seemed like things around the Vane household were looking up. Her husband had been rather pleasant toward her lately, her servants seemed to like her, and although Millicent was still shy around her, Isabel would have a few days to win her over.

Isabel was finally not as worried about her future. And today, she would be able to write to her family and Evie that she was enjoying her life and for them not to worry. And for the first time since she had married, she wouldn’t be lying to those dear to her heart.

Everything was not perfect, of course, but nothing ever was. And this was as close to perfect as she suspected it would be in this household.

Isabel was excited about the upcoming house party as well. This was something she was actually good at. She enjoyed hosting parties. She loved addressing the invitations and coming up with decorations and the menu. She quite enjoyed organizing fun games and scheduling other activities as well. And she looked forward to welcomingtonmembers to her estates. Being a hostess was something she was born to do.

Perhaps, she could get Millicent interested in the activity as well. Isabel had helped her mother from the age of eight. Millicent was younger, and she wasn’t interested in ladylike activities, but perhaps Isabel would find a way to make a fun game out of it.

That would have to wait. First and foremost, she needed to bond with the girl. And if that required running around the forest and rolling in puddles, Isabel would do just that.

Millicent appeared in the hall with Mrs. Ainsworth leading her by the arm. “Are we going for a ride?” she asked, her brows furrowed. She probably thought that they would change their plans because of her father’s absence. Well, she was wrong.

“Yes, we are,” Isabel answered with a smile.

Millie’s expression immediately cleared. “And Button?”

Isabel heaved a sigh. “And Button, too.”

Isabel asked two footmen to accompany them, so they could look after Button, and a groom led both Isabel’s mare and Millie’s pony at a sedate pace.

They rode around the estate in companionable silence, and even Button, the usually overexcited pup who could not seem to stand still, was silently walking beside Millicent’s pony. He was about the same size as Millie’s mare, which Isabel found quite amusing.

Isabel decided to finally break the silence. “When I was a little girl, I did not have a dog. I think it is wonderful that you have Button.”

Millicent threw her a sidelong glance. “You didn’t have a dog? Ever?”

Isabel frowned in thought. “I think we had hunting dogs when I was little. But I do not remember them.”

“Who did you play with?” Millicent sounded appalled.

“Well, I had five siblings.”

Millie’s eyes rounded. “Five?”

Isabel let out a chuckle. It seemed like Millie could not wrap her head around that many siblings. “Yes, five. And we used to play together all the time.”

“What did you do?” Millicent was facing Isabel fully now, her interest peaked.

“We played games, read books, went on picnics.”

“What games did you play?”

“Well, different ones. We would pretend to be pirates and build a ship in the woods. We would play pretend duels with sticks as our swords. Hide and seek was one of the popular games we played, and nobody was ever able to find me,” she said proudly.

Millie’s eyes lit up. “What else did you play?”

“Oh, plenty. We would make tournaments and sling rocks at well… bigger rocks.”