Isabel looked at Anthea imploringly. “About what?”

“It’s just that…” Anthea turned Isabel back again. She was obviously uncomfortable. “Well, it’s a sensitive matter. I shouldn’t have said anything.”

Isabel frowned. “Please?”

Anthea placed the last pin. “All done.”

Isabel turned to her, her brows raised.

Anthea let out a deep breath. “The servants are restless… The chambermaids and the master’s valet all confirm something I am not privy to—”

“Anthea, please, speak freely.”

Anthea looked down and visibly colored. “Well, they say you have not shared a bed with the master yet.”

Isabel opened her mouth to say something but faltered. She felt the blood drain out of her face. This was the last thing she expected to hear from her maid. They gossiped about that? What else did they gossip about? Suddenly, her face heated up to her ears. “Why…? How—”

“I am sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything.”

“No, please. Tell me. I want to know what they say.” Isabel gestured to a chair across from her. Anthea took a seat and played with the plaits of her skirt. “At first, when they did not like you—pardon, mistrusted you—they thought you were just like their previous mistress. They don’t talk about her much, but what they say is not pleasant. But now that they see how wonderful you are, they want more than anything to have a little babe in the household….” Anthea looked around and dropped her voice into a conspiratorial whisper. “They even joked that they should force you two together somehow.”

Isabel gasped. Well, that was beyond inappropriate. “Lord, what would they do? Lock us in a cellar?”

Anthea shrugged. “Now that I’ve told you… Perhaps you can tell me why the master is not sharing your bed? Does he have a condition?” She said the last in a hushed tone.

Isabel moved closer to the edge of her seat. “What condition?”

Anthea shrugged. “I don’t know. I am not privy to things like that.”

Isabel frowned, still stuck on the idea that Vane indeed might have a condition that restricted him from bedding his wife. Although that was an unfounded thought. He had Millie.

She heaved a sigh. “Do not worry, Anthea. And please, tell the others not to scheme about this. The heir will come in time.”At least I pray he will…

There was a knock on the door, and Anthea jumped from her seat. Vane entered then, without waiting for an answer.

Anthea shot from her chair, curtsied, and hurried away.

Isabel’s cheeks and ears heated. She hoped Vane had not overheard what they were discussing with Anthea. He was already dressed for the ride, but his expression was ominous.

I thought we were past his constant displeasure? What happened?

“Are we ready to go?” she asked, trying for a smile but failing abominably.

Vane grimaced. “I received a note… The black clouds we witnessed the other day at the field… Well, we were right about the location. Apparently it’s been raining for days at my other estate, Thornsby. As a result, half the village is flooded. I need to go and see if I can help the villagers in any way.”

Isabel hastened to stand. “Should I go with you?”

One side of Vane’s mouth curled in a half-smile. “I do not think you’ll be much help. And it would require a few days, so I can’t take Millie with me either….”

“So she’ll stay with me?” A soft smile tugged at her lips. She would get what she wanted, after all.

“She will… I just talked with her, and she is not too happy about it. So I’d approach her carefully.”

Isabel stood straighter. “We shall have a great time.”

Vane looked at her as if he didn’t believe her. “Perhaps you shouldn’t go riding either.”

“Why is that? I promised Millicent we would. I don’t want to break my word.”

“I’d be more content if you stayed indoors, where servants could help you if something happened.”

Isabel smirked. “Are you worried about Millicent or me?”

Vane swallowed. “Both of you.”

Warmth seeped inside Isabel in the region of her heart. Had he started to care for her? “Well, you have nothing to worry about, I promise.”

Vane nodded, but his face was desolate. “I shall endeavor to come back as soon as I can.”

He bowed and left the room.