He descended to his study, grabbed the letter opener, and read the contents. He grimaced and threw the note on the table. The outing with his family would have to wait. He had urgent business to take care of.

* * *

Isabel could barely hold back her smile as Vane left the room with Millie. The little girl was so excited about the idea of riding! After spending the last week with them, Isabel realized that she’d taken the wrong approach with the girl from the beginning.

Vane was right.

Isabel had been quite a hellion as a child, and it hadn’t stopped her from becoming the most sought-after debutante during her first season. Of course, she’d made mistakes. But everybody did at some point. She just had to make certain that Millicent didn’t repeat hers.

But as far as bonding with the girl went, she doubted she’d be able to do so by talking about manners and etiquette.

Isabel finished her breakfast and went to her room to change.

Anthea entered then and walked toward her with a frown on her face. “His lordship told me you are to go riding.”

“Yes.” Isabel nodded. “Please, help me into the riding habit.”

“Are you certain this is the best time for you to go riding? Your foot—” She waved a hand toward Isabel’s ankle.

Isabel looked down. “It is healed, I promise.”

Anthea grinned. “I only worry, my lady.”

“I know you do.”

Anthea helped Isabel out of her day gown and brought her a midnight blue riding habit. “Would you like to wear this one today?”

“Yes.” Isabel beamed.

“I am glad to see you this happy, my lady. Are things improving with the family, then? I do not mean to pry.”

“Oh, please, Anthea. You are part of the family. We’ve grown up together. No need to watch your words. But yes. I think things are finally moving toward normal family life.”

“And with the marquess, too?” Anthea did not meet her eye.

Isabel raised a brow. “What do you mean?”

Anthea worked on the buttons of the riding habit with a grimace of concentration on her face. “Well, the household is talking. They just wish—” She clamped her lips shut and frowned.

“They wish what?”

“Oh, don’t pay me any heed. It’s balderdash.” She waved a hand and stepped back. “Do you want me to tighten your coiffure? We don’t want your hair falling out of the bonnet, do we?”

“Yes, please.” Isabel walked to the chair and sat in front of the vanity table.

Anthea started immediately re-pinning her hair.

Isabel watched her carefully before asking, “What were you about to say?”

Anthea let out a deep breath. “Servant talk. Nothing important.”

Isabel turned toward Anthea, ruining the coiffure. “Do they still not like me?”

“Oh, no. Everyone thinks you are a sweetheart.” Anthea took Isabel by her shoulders and turned her back.


“Yes,” she said, starting over on Isabel’s coiffure. “They constantly talk about how much you care about the household and the tenants. How you remember each of their names, even the lowliest of chambermaids. They quite like you. And that’s the only reason they talk.”