She was still smiling at him as though she was truly glad to join him here. Rhys took a deep breath and approached her.

As she reached for him, placing her hands on his shoulder, Rhys took her by her waist and swept her off the horse. Lady Isabel slid down his length, her limbs brushing against his body, making Rhys shiver pleasantly. When was the last time he’d felt the warmth of a woman’s touch?

She was so close now, only a few inches away from him. Her hands were still on his shoulders, his on her waist. She smelled like lavender, and her heat beckoned him closer. All he needed to do was tighten his arms, and her body would crush against his. And if he dipped his head just so, he’d catch her lips in an effortless kiss.

He stepped away instead.

Rhys needed to clear the unwanted thoughts from his head. He should have known that staying away from her would not be easy.

It wasn’t unexpected. After spending the last seven years like a monk, staying away from any lady would be impossible. But Lady Isabel called to him in a way no other woman ever had. His body responded to her immediately, and all logical thought flew out the window.

“Papa, come!”

Rhys blinked, collecting his scattered thoughts. He turned to Millie, who was still standing by the dog, only now her expression was that of an annoyed little girl. “Button is tired of waiting.”

Rhys swallowed a smile. Of course, it was Button who was tired.

“I brought us some food,” Lady Isabel said. “I thought perhaps you’d be ready for an afternoon meal.”

She turned back to her horse and attempted to take a basket from behind the saddle. She was too short for the task, making the image almost comical.

Rhys pursed his lips to keep from laughing. “Let me.”

Lady Isabel moved away, and Rhys swiftly collected the basket. “What do you say, Millie? Are you hungry?” he asked as he walked toward his daughter.

Curiosity shone in her eyes, and he knew she must have been truly famished. At this time, they would usually move to some farmer’s house for a quick bite and a sip of tea. But since Lady Isabel had taken time to prepare the basket, Rhys would not say no to a picnic.

His daughter, however, hesitated. She was clearly unwilling to seem eager to accept a meal from a person she was determined to dislike.

“Well, I am famished,” Rhys said. “And I wager Button is too. Is there food for him?” He addressed the last question toward Lady Isabel.

“Yes, I asked the housekeeper to prepare a meal for all of us.”

“Well?” Rhys turned back to his daughter. “Even if you are not hungry, you cannot deny Button his meal, can you?”

Button wiggled his tail, and his black ears perked up in excitement.

“I suppose we can eat,” Millie agreed gallantly.

It wasn’t warm enough for a true picnic, as the ground was still wet and cold. So they walked away from the field in search of a place to sit. There was a stream not too far away, surrounded by a patch of woods. Rhys was certain they’d find a few boulders there where they’d be able to spread the blankets and eat in peace.

As they moved toward the stream, Millie immediately took off in that direction, leading the dog with her. She seemed determined to avoid Lady Isabel’s company.

Rhys held the basket with their food in one hand, his coat in another as he followed Millicent at a sedate pace.

Lady Isabel matched his steps. “Beautiful weather today, isn’t it?” she asked and raised her face to the sun.

The action exposed her creamy neck, and Rhys had trouble looking away. Damn his abstinent years. “Indeed,” he rasped. “Why won’t you take the bonnet off?”

Lady Isabel looked at him sternly. “A lady does not uncover her head in public.”

Rhys looked around. There were a few farmers in the field behind them, but otherwise, not a soul who could see her up close. “Now is when you decide to be all proper?”

“I’ll have you know that I am one of the most proper ladies of theton. Besides, I am to be an example to Millie, am I not?”

Rhys had nothing to say against that. He was grateful that she considered how her actions might affect his daughter.

“Besides, I do want to catch the freckles.”