“Perhaps I can help?” Isabel looked around the house, truly desiring to take the load off her new friend’s shoulders.
Lilian laughed, holding on to her rounded stomach. “Oh, no. I would not have a lady of the estate cleaning my kitchen. But come, sit. I shall be glad to have a bit of conversation.”
Isabel perched herself on the chair and looked around the small house. It was quite cozy if one disregarded the items on the floor and other places where they did not belong. Isabel could not fault Lilian for a slight disorder. If she had five children and no servants, she’d probably be buried in unending tasks.
“How do you have enough hours in the day to cook, clean, and look after the five children?” Isabel asked as she was seated before the table.
Lilian laughed. “I am certain a mistress of the estate juggles quite a few responsibilities herself. Especially around a house party or a ball.”
“Yes, that is true,” Isabel said. “But I have servants who do most of the work. I have a housekeeper who helps me keep track of all my duties. You are all alone.”
“Oh, no. It is not that bad. I had the most issues with my first babe, but after two or three, it starts getting easier somewhere along the way. And now I have Lizzy, my eldest daughter, helping me with the little ones while my sons are helping their father.”
Isabel looked around the kitchen once more. “Are you certain you don’t want me to help? Truly, I do not mind.”
Lilian chuckled again. “No, no. I cannot have you baking our bread. Let me whip up the dough, and then we can have a cup of tea in peace.”
“Thank you. The truth is I do not enjoy watching other people work as I idle away.”
Lilian looked at her queerly before resuming mixing the ingredients. “That does not sound like a lady of leisure.”
Isabel let out a chuckle. “Contrary to what most people think, you were quite right before. A lady of the estate does not get a lot of time to just sit and do nothing. I cannot compare it to what you must be doing, but it is not exactly all parties and soirees.”
“It is for some,” Lilian said under her breath.
“Pardon me?”
Lilian sent her an apologetic smile but didn’t answer. “And do you want a large family yourself? Apologies, I do not mean to be too forward.”
Isabel was taken aback by the sharp change of subject. She wasn’t exactly eager to talk about the children she might never have, so she did not know what to say. “For now, I would like to establish an affectionate relationship with Millicent.”
Lilian paused and looked at Isabel. “Is Millicent giving you trouble then? I can’t imagine. She is a lovely little child. Very welcoming. ”
“Perhaps to others. She did not take a liking to me one bit.”
Lilian laughed and continued her work. “Well, I am not surprised. She thinks you are a threat to her and her papa’s relationship. My little ones do not let me embrace my husband with them looking on.”
“Truly?” Isabel leaned closer to Lilian, curious.
“Oh, yes, they are very possessive. They do not like newcomers arriving at their house and stealing attention away from them.”
“Oh.” Isabel had not thought about it this way. And after the supper incident, the girl truly did not have any reason to like her. For some reason, Isabel thought that Millie should have given her the benefit of the doubt for simply existing. But children were not logical creatures. One had to earn their trust. “How would you go about mending that relationship?”
“Well…” Lilian took the dough, placed it in the bowl, and covered it with a cloth. “I would start by spending some time with her. Give her the attention she craves.”
Isabel thought on that while Lilian went to pour them each a cup of tea. Would Millie even want to spend any time with Isabel? She doubted it. The girl was intent on avoiding her. But if Isabel proposed an activity the girl could not refuse, perhaps she’d have a better chance. “You might be right, Lilian.”
Lilian grinned. “I have five of those with the sixth on the way. I better be right, or else what am I doing?”
“Thank you for your kind words, Lilian. I am used to running estates, but aside from my siblings, I never dealt with children.”
Lilian placed a tin with almonds on the table. “Would you like some? But I have to warn you, these are not sugared almonds. These are salty.”
“How interesting.” Isabel took one and crunched at the salted nut as Lilian settled in front of her with the cup of tea. “Mm, it’s quite good.”
Lilian grinned. “I started craving something salty when I was with my first babe and came up with the recipe. Now I can’t live without them while I am increasing. Unfortunately, I do not have much time to make them, so this is the last batch for weeks.”
Isabel popped another one in her mouth. “These are very good. Even without any craving.”