“No,” she said and walked past him. “I took a swim.”

“In your clothes?”

She didn’t answer and just kept walking, not paying him any heed. Rhys followed her wet footsteps into the guest wing and finally into her room.

She didn’t seem to notice his presence at all. She just walked to her vanity and looked at her reflection.

“Blast it!” She chewed on her lip, still staring at the looking glass. “I am a good person. Why does this keep happening to me?”

“What exactly—?”

She started pacing, not paying him any heed. “I was an exceptional hostess. People raved about my balls and soirees. I was an example for young ladies to follow. A diamond of theton! Now, look at me!” She halted and raised her hands.

She was soaked to the bone, the wet fabric of her gown outlining her curves perfectly. Rhys could see the budded nipples peeking out from under the soaked bodice. His gaze lingered there, his cock coming to attention and twitching against the confines of his breeches. When she’d said to look at her, surely she’d meant he’d see something else?

He finally forced his gaze up, but she wasn’t looking at him. Her gaze was unfocused, and she was chewing on her bottom lip.

“I only try to do what’s best,” she continued, her voice small. “Only this place seems to suck the life out of any attempt I make.”

“What happened?” Rhys asked and stepped closer.

“Does it matter? Would you even care?”

“Well, I am here. I am asking.”

Lady Isabel downturned her eyes. “Your daughter dislikes me, your tenants mistrust me, you loathe me… and even servants hate me!” She ended on a hiccup.

What?“Why do you say that?”

She snorted. “Tell me I am wrong.”

“Well…” He scratched his jaw. “I would at least argue that the servants don’t hate you.”

Her gaze turned anguished. He shouldn’t have said that. He should have reassured her that he didn’t loathe her. That was true, wasn’t it? What he felt toward her was much too complicated to narrow down to one word.

She swallowed. “I overheard them talking… They hate me. They wish I hadn’t come at all.”

“What?” This time he roared the question aloud.

Lady Isabel swallowed. “Just this morning, I overheard them saying it would have been better if I just stopped trying. Is it true, Vane? Would it be better if I just left?”

Rhys stepped closer and took her by the arms. “Who said that?”

She raised her liquid eyes to him. “Does it matter? They see how you treat me. What reason do they have to treat me with respect when you don’t? You didn’t even introduce me to them!”

A guilty feeling started gnawing at Rhys’s chest. She was right.

He hadn’t introduced her. He’d treated her with contempt. What did he expect? Well, he couldn’t change the past, but he could do something about the future.

He walked to the servants’ bell and called for her lady’s maid.

“What are you doing?” Lady Isabel asked, concerned.

“Dry yourself, change into a fresh gown, and then meet me at the base of the staircase.


“Please, just do it?”

At her nod, he left, resolved to make it all better for his wife.