Any moment now, Isabel expected Richard to erupt into a rage. Instead, he slowed his steps and halted right in front of her.

“You do not have to marry him. I hope you know that,” he finally said.

Tears sprung to the corner of Isabel’s eyes. She could withstand rage and anger, but she was unprepared for kindness. “Don’t I?”

“We married Sam off to Ashbury because of a scandal, and you know how that turned out,” he said with a grimace. Richard did not like Sam’s husband one bit.

Isabel wiped at her eyes and suppressed a chuckle. “With Sam happily married and a beautiful babe on her lap?”

“He almost killed her!” Richard growled.

“Please, do not be overdramatic,” Isabel said quietly.

Richard ran a hand through his hair. “I am glad Sam is happy, but I do not trust Ashbury, and I shall be keeping an eye on him at all times. Despite that, Sam is in love with him for reasons I shall never understand. You, on the other hand, do not even know Vane. Hell, I don’t even know Vane. Adam?”

Adam shook his head. “He’s a recluse. He’s been hiding for over a decade at his estate. Who knows what he’s been up to there.” He turned toward Isabel with his brows furrowed. “What do you want to do?”

“What do you mean, what do I want?” Isabel played with the folds of her skirt, not meeting her brother’s searching eyes. “You know what I want, what I’ve always wanted.”

“Isabel, it is because I know of your wishes I am asking you this. If you showed any desire for a family, I would be challenging Vane to a duel.”

Richard scoffed.

“Very well, perhaps Rich here would be doing the challenging, but I wouldn’t be far behind.”

“Oh, for heaven’s sake! A duel? For running into me in the hall? Perhaps you’d be better off challenging Mrs. Busybody Crosby for tittering false testimonies about what happened to everyone at the ball.”

Adam took a deep breath. “Either way, since you don’t want a marriage… Then perhaps it’s best ignored altogether. We shall support you in any decision, shan’t we?” He cocked a brow toward his brother.

Richard shifted from one foot to another.

“Shan’t we?” Adam repeated louder.

“Adam is right,” Richard agreed reluctantly. “We do not have any more sisters to marry… And it will be years before Sam’s children make their debut. Perhaps this scandal will be forgotten.”

“And what of your aspirations in Parliament? Wouldn’t a ruined sister spoil your chances at respectability in the House of Lords?” Isabel protested.

“Thetondoesn’t look at a lord with a ruined sister with the same contempt as it does a ruined lady herself,” Richard said.

Adam nodded. “We shall make do. And by the time Sam’s child grows up, the scandal should be forgotten.”

“Oh my God!” Isabel covered her mouth with her hand, just remembering Richard’s bride. “What about Lady Aurora Bainbridge? Her father despises scandal. He was hesitant about the match as it is!”

“The pompous marquess didn’t think a viscount was suitable enough for his daughter,” Adam confirmed, grumbling under his breath.

“See? He is not going to let her marry you after this. Or even if he is, he is within his right to forbid your wife—your children—from seeing me.”

“That is not going to happen,” Richard boomed.

Isabel didn’t pay him any heed. “I am fairly certain the Bainbridges shall not accept me as part of their family, and I am not certain I would fault them for that. I can’t jeopardize your future.”

Richard waved a dismissive hand. “Let me worry about my wife, dear sister.”

“I am afraid I cannot.” Isabel stood and smoothed her skirts. “And perhaps you, as a lord, can afford the risk, but what about Adam?”

Adam scoffed. “Please, do not fret about me.”

“And Alan? Once he returns from the Continent, he shall have to look for a respectable career.” Isabel shook her head, resolute to do what was right. “No. I shall not let you carry the brunt of my failure. It was not my fault, or anybody’s, but I am the one to pay for it.”

“I am not about to let you martyr yourself for the sake of the family,” Richard protested.

“It is not your choice to make,” Isabel said stonily. She thought for a moment before continuing. “Besides, it does not all have to be bad. I might get children out of this unfortunate situation.”

Her brothers shifted uncomfortably, not quite meeting her eyes.

“Yes,” Isabel said with a nod, more confident in her decision. “I have made up my mind. I shall marry him.”