“I am the mistress of this estate now, Mrs. Ainsworth. And as the mistress, it is my duty to visit my tenants.”

“Yes, my lady.” Mrs. Ainsworth hesitated. “It’s just that his lordship—”

Isabel raised her hand to silence the housekeeper. She was tired of his lordship’s interference. It was obvious that the manor staff was devoted to him. Well, that would need to be changed too. “Thank you for your concern, Mrs. Ainsworth. But whatever his lordship wants to say, he shall have to say it directly to me. Please, prepare the baskets.”

At Mrs. Ainsworth’s nod, Isabel went to her room to change for her outing.

A few minutes later, properly attired and accompanied by Anthea, Isabel set out to the village in a carriage filled with baskets of food. She was excited to see her new home and get to know the villagers. Isabel generally felt more at home surrounded by people, chatter, and busy life.

The sun was high in the sky and the weather promised no precipitation. The road had dried sufficiently for the carriage to travel without major issues. It just swayed from time to time from hitting a puddle.

As the houses came into sight, Isabel noticed a few children running after the carriage and cheering. Isabel looked out the window and waved her hand. A couple of boys stopped dead on the spot with their mouths agape while a few continued their pursuit of the vehicle.

The carriage halted by the side of the road, next to an old building, and the groom helped Isabel out. She smiled as she looked at people gathering to greet her. Finally, something she was familiar with. Something she felt confident doing.

Anthea followed her out and stood by her side as Isabel introduced herself as the new Marchioness of Vane.

Dead silence greeted her words. Her smile tensed as she looked at the crowd of people. “I brought you some goods,” she said cheerfully.

People came back to life after her words. They came closer toward her, the conversation buzzing. With the help of her groom and Anthea, Isabel took out the baskets and passed the contents around.

A few people still lingered when she was done, including an old wrinkly woman. “Well?” she asked when Isabel was done. “Where are my ribbons?”

Isabel blinked. “Ribbons?”

“His lordship promised to bring me ribbons from the city. I make blankets and shawls for the entire village. I rarely decorate them with anything, but he promised.”

“And the fruit, Miss—Your ladyship. His lordship promised to bring us exotic fruits.”

“What about the watercolors for the school?”

Isabel blinked at the women, not certain what to say. “I—he—that’s all I have… today.”

The women looked at the empty baskets, forlorn.

“I shall make certain to bring all of it tomorrow,” Isabel promised.

Someone tugged her on her skirt. Isabel turned to see a little blonde girl by her side. “What about my book, my lady?” the girl said in a barely audible whisper, obviously too shy to even address her. “His lordship promised to bring it to me from London.”

A boulder seemed to lodge itself in Isabel’s throat. She forced a smile. “I don’t have it with me today… But his lordship didn’t forget, I promise.” She hoped she was not lying about that. “He just… He wanted to give it to you himself.”

Isabel was glad she could come up with a convenient lie and prayed that the loathsome oaf didn’t forget the damned book and everything else he’d promised to his people.

“Another mistress, that’s what we need!” someone muttered behind her.

Isabel looked around in confusion, unsure how to react to such a statement.

Everyone started to disperse, the conversation buzzing around her. Isabel could still hear their exclamations of surprise and displeasure.

“Instead of bringing us what he promised, he brought us something we never asked for. A mistress. Huh!” an old lady exclaimed by Isabel’s side.

Isabel frowned. Did the old lady not realize Isabel could hear her words?

What did Isabel do to deserve their scorn?

She wasn’t about to get her answer here. Isabel picked up her skirts in frustration, climbed into her carriage, and drove away.

* * *