Oh. Isabel slightly reared back. She wasn’t exactly expecting an enthusiastic response. The girl had been avoiding Isabel the entire journey, but she wasn’t prepared for hostility either.

“Very well, Millicent. Are you good with a needle?”

Millicent turned away and looked out the window.

Isabel took a deep breath. “Ladies are expected to answer when they are being addressed, Millicent. Since you are a marquess’s daughter, you need to know those rules.”

Millicent pretended not to hear a thing.

Isabel turned to the nursemaid and smiled tightly.

“Just give her time, my lady,” Edith said quietly, then sent Isabel a reassuring smile.

At least one person in the household was on Isabel’s side. That made her feel a little better.

“Have you been in the marquess’s employ for a long time, Edith?” Isabel asked.

“Just about four years, my lady,” Edith answered.

“Then you must know the house rather well. I am looking forward to—”

Isabel was rudely interrupted as Millie tugged on Edith’s sleeve and excitedly pointed out the window. “Look, Edith! A badger! It is a badger, right?”

Edith threw an apologetic look toward Isabel, and the Isabel just gave her a nod.

The nursemaid moved closer to Millicent as she proceeded to tell her all the things she knew about badgers and other animals that resided in this part of England, which ones she’d seen, and which ones she had failed to spot.

Next came a conversation about which animal Button would catch quickest. From then on, conversation moved to anything that would exclude Isabel and not let her converse with the nursemaid.

* * *

They arrived home late in the evening. Their journey had gotten delayed by a storm that started a few miles away from the manor, so they had to reduce the speed to a slow walk.

Millicent was already sleeping, so Vane swept her into his arms and led everyone inside.

“Mrs. Ainsworth, please, gather all the servants and introduce her ladyship.”

An older woman in a dark brown frock scurried to follow the order.

“You are the one who—” Isabel started, but Vane shushed her and tipped his head toward the sleeping child in his arms. “Mrs. Ainsworth will show you to our quarters,” he said and continued up the stairs without another word.

Isabel looked at the dog, who had just entered the hall, followed by a couple of footmen. Button barked once at Isabel and trotted after his master.

Even the damned dog had abandoned her.

A few moments later, tired, but feigning good spirit, the servants had gathered in the hall.

“Bastard,” Isabel muttered under her breath.

Was this his idea of welcoming his mistress to his country seat? All the servants stood, waiting—probably for their master—to be introduced to their mistress.

Isabel’s cheeks heated. It was obvious to everyone that neither the master nor his daughter particularly welcomed their new marchioness to their home.

She didn’t want to start her life at the mansion on the wrong footing, but the servants already studied her with distrust in their eyes. And now, she was left to introduce herself.

Isabel pulled on a cheerful smile. “Good evening, everyone,” she said overly brightly. “I shall be the new marchioness and the mistress of this house.”

The servants stood frozen as if rooted in place. None of them even blinked. The housekeeper, Mrs. Ainsworth, took a step forward and started introducing each servant by their name and station.