Chapter 8

The journey to the Vane estate was grueling and tedious at the same time. Vane was out on horseback, while Millie sat inside the carriage conversing with her nursemaid, Edith. She pointedly avoiding Isabel and not answering any of her questions.

They stopped a few times so that Millie could play with Button, who spent most of the journey in a separate carriage, and as a result, the journey dragged on longer than it should have.

With nothing to do, Isabel tried to read a few chapters of her book, but since Millie had spent most of the trip chattering away with Edith, Isabel found it difficult to concentrate on the page.

The next activity she tried was stitching. But after pricking her fingers with every bump and jolt, she gave up the idea after a few minutes. As a result, the rest of the trip was spent staring at the horizon and cataloging all the things she’d need to teach Millie. Because as bright as the girl seemed, she was mannerless and impolite.

Isabel was quite surprised the girl did not have a governess. She was six, and it was time to start her schooling. She was too old to roam around the woods with the dog, which Isabel supposed was exactly what she did most days based on the girl’s behavior. And when Vane was busy running errands, he must have left her with the servants.

Millie was on a first-name basis with all the servants and regarded them all in a friendly manner. Isabel had a friendly household as well, and she loved all the servants as family. She even took her favorite footman, James, with her, along with her lady’s maid.

But at six, she had been educated enough to hold a polite conversation with ladies of a similar station. Millie, on the other hand, conversed with everyone but Isabel. And when Isabel tried to address her, Millie just sat still and watched Isabel with distrust and hostility in her eyes.

Isabel would have to breach the subject of Millie’s education to her husband somehow. And she wasn’t looking forward to the conversation. Isabel would need to find a brilliant governess who would not alienate the girl, the way Isabel apparently did.

Isabel would have loved to bond with the girl and even teach her. After all, Isabel had learned almost everything from her mother. But she doubted she would be able to breach Millie’s defenses, especially since her father showed with every fiber of his being that he didn’t care for Isabel either.

When they stopped overnight, Isabel was ready to fall off her feet. Who would have known that being ignored by a six-year-old girl could be so exhausting?

They entered a tiny inn, and Vane had ordered rooms for all his servants and even a separate chamber for the dog, although a groom would stay with him so he wouldn’t bark through the night.

Isabel found the gesture endearing. Who else would order an entire room for the dog?

Lucky for them, the inn was almost empty, and the owner was extremely pleased the marquess had booked the entire place for his family, servants, and the dog.

“Would you like to dine in the common room?” Vane asked as soon as all the arrangements were taken care of.

“Thank you. But I think I would rather dine in my room. I am too tired and would be dreadful company.”

Vane nodded and turned to the innkeeper. “Please, escort my wife to her room.”

Isabel smiled as the man showed her to her chambers. She entered a small, dank room with a single bed, and only then did her husband’s words register in her mind.My room.Was he not spending the night with her?

She wasn’t certain whether to be glad of that or concerned. Her parents had separate chambers, of course, but they rarely slept apart and never at an inn.

And it was their wedding night! Would he come to her room, or would she have to spend the night alone?

Neither prospect bothered her as much as not knowing. Either way, she had no choice. Her husband had a few things to deal with before he came back to his room, and she couldn’t very well hunt him down and demand answers. She’d have to wait.

So she had a quiet supper, changed into her nightgown, and prepared for bed.

For now, she needed to get some rest. Her husband would come in soon, and, hopefully, she would be one step closer to conceiving a child.

She lay in bed, biting her lip and running through all the things Evie had told her.

She needed to relax and not worry.

Well, it was easier said than done. Isabel could not lie still. Her stomach churned, and her skin felt as if she were lying on needles.

Let yourself enjoy his kisses and touches… No matter how indecent.

Isabel took a deep breath. If he kissed her the way he did in the park, then there would be nothing to worry about. And regarding his touches? Well, she’d just have to allow him all the liberties he craved, and if what Evie said was true, she would come to enjoy the act.

Isabel didn’t doubt Evie’s wisdom… mostly. But she doubted very much that Vane’s touches would be as pleasant as St. Clare’s touch was for Evie. After all, Evie was hopelessly in love, and Isabel… well, Isabel could barely stand the man.

His kisses might have been pleasant, but surely that was just because Isabel was overexcited from chasing the dog and then arguing with the man. She was in shock and did not expect to be accosted. If she were in a rational frame of mind, she would not let him kiss her at all.