“Did you have a reason to stay in London?” Vane asked as he moved farther inside.

“Well, yes.” Isabel followed Vane’s footsteps. “My brothers don’t know I am leaving—”

“We shall post them a note.”

“That’s not enough. They will worry!”

“I am certain they will make do.”

“My trousseau is not ready! Half of it is still at the modiste.”

Vane turned then and looked her up and down, lingering slightly on her decolletage. Isabel drew the shawl closer to her body.

“Do you have enough clothes for a few days?”

“Yes, but—”

“Then the rest shall be sent straight to us. We do not have to wait for it here.” He turned back and approached the stairs without waiting for her response.

“Vane!” Isabel said as loudly as she could without shouting. Or perhaps she did shout. She wasn’t quite certain, but her hands were fisted at her sides, and it felt like her head was about to burst. “I do not like to be ordered about. Does my opinion count for nothing?”

Vane halted on the steps, then slowly and unhurriedly turned toward her. “Did you not just vow in front of God and men that you shall obey me for the rest of your life?”

“Well, you vowed to cherish me, and I do not see you keeping that vow.”

“Miss Lewis—”

Isabel scoffed.

“My lady,” Vane said drily. “I came to London for one reason and one reason only: to acquire a wife. Now that my task is completed, I would like to go home. It is too cramped in here, and I do not like town life. And to be quite honest, neither does my dog.”

Isabel narrowed her eyes.The dog?The dog’s preference was more important than hers? She was preparing him a proper set down, but he raised a hand, halting her before she had a chance to open her mouth.

“And it is advisable to leave before you set up more clandestine meetings with your precious Stanhope. So we are leaving for my country seat. Right now. And you are coming with us either willingly, or I shall tie you up to a horse.”

Vane turned on his heel, leaving Isabel still standing there with her mouth wide open in astonishment. Nobody had ever talked to her so rudely. The steel in his voice sent an unpleasant shiver down her spine. His gaze was cold, his voice harsh. And for a moment, she started to believe the rumors.

Oh, Lord. What did I get myself into?