But was Isabel willing to bargain her life on it? She was not so certain.

Perhaps if the marquess frightened her or hurt her, she would have substantial cause for leaving him at the altar. However, aside from the wretched kiss, he had not done anything violent toward her. And she wouldn’t exactly describe that kiss as violent either.

Isabel’s body started heating like it did every time she thought of that dratted kiss. She still dreamed about that sometimes. And the dreams were rather pleasant…

She shook her head. That was not the point.

His wife had probably enjoyed his kisses as well, at least at first. Isabel frowned at her conflicting thoughts.

She knewtongossip very well. They loved to exaggerate things and paint anyone they deemed necessary in the least flattering light. She supposed she’d have to marry the wretch to find out the truth. And if anything went wrong, she had powerful allies on her side.

She drew a shaky breath. “Thank you, dear. But I am afraid I cannot gamble my standing in society and the reputation of my brothers on gossip. You know how gossip is.”

“I do,” Evie said with a sad smile. “But you will write to me, won’t you? Or I shall worry.”

Isabel took Evie’s hands in hers. “The last thing I need is for you to worry. I shall be certain to post a letter every day.”

“And if you miss a day, I shall come and visit you immediately.”

Isabel chuckled and embraced the duchess. She drew away and looked at the door. Soon, she’d have to exit, and then she’d become the Marchioness of Vane. She wanted to delay the moment as much as she could.

“In any case, as dreadful as this marriage may turn out to be, it will give me children. I truly hope that it will happen sooner rather than later. It might make the marriage more tolerable. I don’t know how long it usually takes, but hopefully not too long. It didn’t take Sam long to conceive, did it?”

Yes, but Sam is young,her traitorous mind whispered,and you are not.

Then she looked at Evie’s thoughtful face and bit her lip.

“Oh, I am sorry. I am being insensitive, aren’t I?” Evie had married a few months after Samantha did, and she was yet to start increasing. “I am certain it can take different amounts of time for everyone.”

Evie raised a shoulder in a delicate shrug. “I wish I knew the answers to these things, but it’s all part of a miracle. It happens when it happens.”

“Evie…” Isabel paused, uncertain how to approach the subject that had been bothering her since the day of her betrothal. She sat on the bed, and Evie joined her. Isabel nervously played with the pleats of her skirts. “Can I ask you something?”

“Of course, you can ask me anything.”

“It’s about… This is entirely too embarrassing for me to ask, but there is truly no one else I can approach with this. Perhaps if Sam was here… Although even asking one’s younger sibling is a little uncomfortable, to say the least—”

“Isabel.” Evie softly put a hand on Isabel’s, halting her nervous movements. “You can ask me anything. You know that.”

“I wanted to ask you about marital duty,” Isabel finally forced out, without looking up at her friend. She was absolutely mortified she had to bring up this subject. “Do you—How do you feel about it?”

Evie’s face split into the biggest of smiles. “I enjoy it immensely. It’s one of my favorite past times.”

“Truly?” Isabel faced Evie fully, her mind full of questions. Isabel wasn’t exactly a virgin. She had been young once and very much in love with Stanhope. They had tasted the forbidden fruit, but that had left Isabel with more questions than answers. It was quick, painful, and confusing. “But it doesn’t seem like a pleasurable activity…”

“Trust me,” Evie said, blushing. “It is very pleasurable. But I suppose if one has a former rake for a husband and is not enjoying it, well… then there is something extremely wrong.”

Isabel frowned and turned to face Evie fully. “But why do you like it? I… Apologies. I don’t want to intrude if it’s very personal. I am just very nervous, and I want to know… Apologies, you do not have to answer.”

Evie bit her lip. “It is personal. Very much so. But I do not want you to fret, Isabel. It is the most exciting activity. Every kiss, every touch, slowly builds up the anticipation of something grand and wonderful. And then the sweet taste of release… I apologize to be so frank, but being joined with the man you love is just the best feeling in the world.” Evie met Isabel’s gaze, and her blissful look vanished instantly. Her eyes rounded as she hastened to continue. “Oh, I apologize. I am such an idiot. You do not love Vane, but perhaps in time…”

Isabel grimaced and looked away. It just seemed like her luck. Of course, she would have to lie with a man she loathed. Of course, there would be nothing pleasurable about the marital bed for her. True, she’d felt a strange flutter in the pit of her belly when he had kissed her. She’d felt the licks of flame and tingles low in her body. But it was probably just the animal instinct to mate.

It was about time she felt that instinct. Without it, she doubted any woman would willingly agree to procreate. Unless she was in love.

Evie was married to an infamous rake. Surely he knew how to make a marriage bed exciting. She wasn’t so certain a hermit and a rumored beast would do the same for her.

Evie bit on her lip in thought. “Well, if you are frightened about the prospect, I advise you to just tell him directly.”