Evie raised her face to Isabel’s, her eyes glinting with mischief. She pulled the hideous black cloth out of a glorious selection of silks and waved it in the air like a magician. “Me.”

A real smile tugged at Isabel’s lips. “Did you help her design a hideous gown? I have a hard time believing you could come up with anything hideous.”

“Oh, I can. And I did.” Evie nodded emphatically.

Isabel bit her lip. “Oh, no! I am certain her new family was not happy about it.”

“No,” Evie agreed. “Neither was her old family. Her father made the heinous arrangement and betrothed Julie to a man she did not know while Julie was in love with another.”

Isabel’s mouth dropped. “How did she escape the atrocious man she was supposed to wed?”

Evie smiled as she walked back toward Isabel. She shrugged as she placed the black cloth against Isabel’s skin. “She didn’t. She married him.”

Isabel crinkled her nose. “But she is married to the Earl of Clydesdale. I am quite certain the couple is happily in love.”

Evie pulled back the cloth. “The black does not suit you at all. Perhaps we should find another way to protest your wedding,” she muttered. “And yes, Julie is happily in love now. But she wasn’t at the beginning.”

Isabel looked back at her reflection. She looked pale and rather confused.

Evie went back to sifting through the fabrics.

Lady Clydesdale had married out of convenience and ended up in love. How strange.Was there a possibility of happiness under those awful circumstances?

Perhaps for others. If Isabel had learned anything in her thirty one years of existence, it was that she was not an exception to the rule. Shewasthe rule. And happiness with a man like the Marquess of Vane?Impossible.

“I do not want to protest the wedding,” she finally said.

Evie turned and raised a questioning brow.

“No. I want the world to think that we are perfectly in love. I do not want more gossip surrounding my family. As it is, I’ve already brought shame upon my brothers. Richard’s fiancée withdrew her hand because of my transgressions. I do not want the people around me to suffer. I want to be the perfect wife and hostess. I want everyone to point at us and whisper behind their fans that ours is the perfect union.”

“Well, it is easily achievable if that’s what you want.”

“You truly think so?” Isabel watched Evie expectantly.

“Yes, but it means you shall have to smile from time to time,” Evie pointed out. “But the rest, you leave to me. I shall make certain gossip is plentiful about the radiant bride and her fortunate groom. And do not fret about the trousseau. As soon as Madame Deville has your measurements, I shall order you everything you need.”

Isabel exhaled a breath of relief. “Thank you,” she said and reached a hand toward Evie, who took her palm and squeezed. “I am so grateful to have you here, Evie.”

“I am always here for you and your family.”

* * *

“You are cordially invited to a true celebration of love between Lord Vane and the Honorable Isabel Lewis,” Gabriel, the Viscount St. Clare, read with a grand flourish, sitting across the desk from Rhys.

“A true celebration of love.” Rhys scoffed.

“That should get people curious enough to attend your wedding,” the viscount pointed out as he lounged in the chair.

“Will it?” Rhys scrubbed his face with his hand. “It seems to be a perfect cause for continued gossip.”

“It is. But that’s the entire point. Stir gossip prior to your wedding, collect the largest assembly of stuffy lords and ladies, and then have the most mundane wedding anyone ever attended, boring everyone out of their wits. That should kill their will to gossip any further. Or perhaps, lie your bottom off by telling the most extraordinary story of love, shocking thetoneven more. That way, the gossip will not cease, but at least people will leave you alone and just whisper behind their fans when you show up at a ball.”

“I do not want people to ignore me. Nor do I want them whispering about me behind anything.”

“You do not?” St. Clare raised a brow.

“No. At least not for the sake of Millie. I need to make as many connections with members of thetonas I can to aid Millie with her debut.”