“Well…” Evie bit on her lip. “I do not know much, to be honest. Every time I attempted to ask more, Gabriel just became angry. He is very protective of Vane. He likes him immensely. I would go so far as to say he admires him.”
“That’s good to know, I suppose. He wouldn’t be protective of a murderer, would he?”
Evie let out a chuckle. “A murderer? Did he become a murderer now, too? I’ve only heard people call him a cruel and unjust husband!”
Isabel lifted her hands up in a shrug. “I do not know. And that’s what’s so frustrating. People won’t tell me anything now that we’re betrothed. I was hoping you would since you know him. But my brother fished out some rumors and now forbids me to marry him!”
Evie shook her head. “Did you see his daughter? Or his dog? They love him. And so do his servants. People are afraid of cruel people. They are not relaxed and comfortable like the people on his estates. And dogs… Well, you can tell a lot about a dog’s owner by the way the dog treats them.”
“The only time I met his dog, it tackled me and then ran off. So it does tell me a bit about him if his only dog tries to escape his household.”
Evie laughed. “Oh, Button is adorable. He has a free spirit. Difficult to contain in a townhouse, I suppose.”
The carriage drew to a halt at that moment, and they both exited the vehicle. Madam Deville was the most fashionable modiste in town. It was the only place Evie frequented, and as she was the belle of theton, Isabel trusted her impeccable taste.
They were welcomed into a sitting area and offered some tea while they waited for Madame to finish up with other customers.
“What were you saying about Vane?” Evie asked as they each took a sip of the tea.
“Oh.” Isabel pulled on a thoughtful grimace.
Her mind chose that exact moment to remember Vane’s kisses in the park. Her neck started heating, and she was afraid Evie would guess why she was getting uncomfortable.
Isabel forced her mind back to the conversation. “Right. About the rumors, of course. Well, the issue with that is people won’t tell me anything now that we’re betrothed. And everything Richard has uncovered will be the last piece of gossip we hear.”
“And that piece of gossip is?”
“Only that he married young, conceived a daughter, and then lost his wife all in the span of a few years. But, most importantly, that his wife went around parties and soirees blabbering to anyone who’d listen that he was a cruel and beastly husband.”
Evie hid a smile behind a cup of tea. “You don’t seem convinced.”
Isabel shrugged. “Maybe I just prefer not to be convinced. I am to marry him. And if I don’t marry him, I shall ruin our family’s good name even further. But also I do not think a cruel husband would let his wife out of the house alone to tell everyone how cruel he’s been to her. However, I’ve never been married, so who am I to make those conclusions?” Isabel placed the back of her hand on her warm forehead. She was starting to get a headache.
“I shall ask Gabriel to speak to your brothers and put their minds at ease… Although that truly should be Vane’s responsibility.”
Isabel scoffed. “I doubt he has any interest in easing anyone’s mind. I had to beg him to marry me.”
Evie almost spewed the tea from her mouth. She coughed and wiped her lips with the handkerchief. “You did what?”
Isabel waved a hand. “Well, not literally. But he was not enthusiastic about marrying me.”
Evie’s smile turned gentle, and she patted Isabel’s hand. “He can seem slightly gruff and perhaps a bit surly, but he seems to have a heart of gold.”
Isabel smiled in turn. “You just refuse to see the bad in anyone. Or you are trying to putmymind at ease.”
“I would never endorse anyone who I thought was violent or cruel. I would especially not encourage my dear friend to marry such a person. I do not know what transpired between Vane and his wife. I was also in mourning during that time. But Gabriel says that his wife was fanciful and unfaithful. She did run off with her lover, leaving not only her husband but her child. And I think we should let actions speak louder than words. No matter what she said, in the end, she left her little girl. And I could not imagine a good mother ever doing that.” Evie placed a hand on her stomach as if she felt ill from the thought. “Especially not if she thought her husband a beast.”
Isabel nodded. “Thank you. Thank you for rationalizing my thoughts back to me.”
Evie smiled. “He retreated to his estate and hid there immediately after the wedding. And he didn’t appear in high society for years after his wife’s demise. That must have fanned the flames of gossip until it grew like wildfire. Were he an active member of theton, nobody would dare. But I will have Gabriel speak to your brothers so they are not worried to give you away.”
Isabel let out a chuckle. “I am not certain they will ever be calm about giving me away. But are you certain St. Clare will agree to speak to my brothers?”
Evie smirked. “I have ways of persuading him.”
Isabel smiled widely. “It sounds like a wonderful marriage.”
“It is.” Evie’s smile turned sour as she suddenly frowned and placed her hand on her abdomen. “Oh, lord, my stomach is extremely queasy today.”