Isabel kissed Sam and Evie on their cheeks. She went to join Millicent under the tree, but Richard caught up with her and stopped her with his hand on her arm.

“Can I speak with you?”

Isabel blinked. “Of course.”

He steered her away from the crowd.

“Is something amiss?” Isabel asked, watching the scowl on her brother’s face.

“No,” he said. “Everything is perfect.”

“That’s good to hear,” Isabel said slowly, unconvinced of the sincerity of her brother’s words.

They stopped a few feet away, and Richard turned toward her. “I need a favor from you.”

“Of course,” Isabel answered readily. “Anything.”

“I invited another family to come to your house party. I hope you do not mind.”

Isabel wrapped her arms around herself against the light afternoon breeze. “Of course, I do not mind. I have a few spare rooms. Is that the favor?”

Richard shook his head. “No.”

Isabel raised her brow. “Richard, please. You are making me nervous.”

Richard let out a deep breath. “I want to….” He cleared his throat. “I’d like to make an announcement during the closing ball of your party.”

Isabel blinked. “Of course, but what is the announcement?”

Richard cleared his throat, then looked at some point beyond Isabel’s head. “My betrothal.”

The End