Chapter 34

“You should have seen people’s faces when they started realizing that you’d disappeared,” Samantha said the next morning as they picnicked on the lawn.

All the guests were scattered around in small groups. Isabel sat next to Sam and Evie, hiding in the shade, while their brothers and husbands sat a few feet away under the harsh sun. Children once again gathered in the shadow of the tree to watch Josephine perform.

“Yes, they might have expected it from me—having a former unscrupulous rake for a husband gives one leeway for scandalous activity—but nobody had expected you two to disappear from your own ball!” Evie exclaimed with a giggle.

“You are just lucky you had us to pick up the mantle of hostess in your stead,” Sam said.

Isabel pursed her lips. “I expected to be scolded by Richard, but I hoped you two would be understanding.”

“Oh, we are very understanding.” Evie waggled her brows and laughed.

“Richard would be scolding you, too, if he hadn’t spent the entire evening flirting with Josephine, therefore too busy to notice,” Sam said.

Isabel rolled her eyes. She didn’t want to know about her brother’s shameless pursuits.

“I don’t think I can blame your brother,” Evie said. “The actress is gorgeous.”

Isabel turned to look at the chestnut-haired beauty. She didn’t disagree. But she was happier with her attitude rather than beauty. She kept the children occupied every day, and in the absence of the governess, she was the perfect distraction Millicent needed.

Nevertheless, Isabel could not ignore the fact that Josephine turned men’s heads. Isabel turned to see if the actress had the same effect on her husband but instead collided with his heated gaze.

Isabel smiled, and Rhys winked at her.

“Vane? Did you hear a word I said?” Adam called. He then turned to see what had him distracted and groaned. “Stop staring at my sister. You’re making me uncomfortable.”

Everybody laughed.

“For shame,” St. Clare called. “She is your wife. It’s indecent to ogle her like that.” And then he turned toward Evie.

Adam covered his face with his palms.

Isabel chuckled and fanned her burning cheeks.

“I am glad to see you so happy,” Samantha noted. “I don’t think I’ve seen you like this in the last ten years.”

“I feel like it’s the first time in years that I am.” Isabel could not stop herself from grinning.

“And what about Millicent?” Evie asked. “How will you fare without a governess?”

Isabel straightened at the word governess. “I decided she is too young for one.”

“You think so?” Sam asked.

“Yes. I was too worried that she was a wild little child, considering she wasn’t raised by a lady, but I am not worried anymore. She has me to look up to, she has you, and I am certain both of you will visit often. And once she is about ten or twelve, we can start thinking of hiring a governess to prepare her for her debut.”

“Or sooner if you have a brood of children to steal your attention,” Sam teased.

Isabel thought she’d feel tightness around her chest at the words, but she didn’t. She was not so certain she wanted a brood anymore. She had Millie, and that was enough.

Ashbury, Samantha’s husband, padded over to his wife. “Our Angel needs you. Or at least, our nursemaid asked for a wet nurse,” he said with a chuckle.

“Oh!” Sam laughed. “Well, that is me. Thank you, Isabel, for the lovely picnic. We shall see you at dinner, shall we not?”

Isabel chuckled. “I have no plans to avoid it so far.”

Evie stood also. “I think I need a nap before dinner, too. Besides, my husband keeps looking at me and irritating your brother,” she added with a giggle.