“Rhys!” She halted on the doorstep. “I am barefoot.”

“Hmm…” Rhys let out a slight growl, then bent down and swooped her into his arms.

He moved through the garden, easily carrying Isabel as if she weighed nothing. She held on to his neck and placed her head against his shoulder. Being held so tightly by the man she loved was a dream come true.

The man she loved?

The thought caught her off guard. But as she looked at his face so close to hers, the stern determination in his eyes, his square jaw covered with midnight shadow, his enticing lips, and more importantly, his deep dark brown eyes, she could not deny it any longer.

She loved him.

She loved him with his customary frown on his face. She loved him when he smiled at her. She loved him dressed impeccably and in any state of dishabille. She loved when he barked and growled like a beast when something was not to his liking, but she loved, even more, his low beautiful voice when he spoke gently or sang to Millie.

She loved him. And the realization was so freeing she wanted to sing.

Rhys entered the gazebo at the center of their garden and perched Isabel against the pillar.

Isabel didn’t have time to catch her breath when his mouth was on hers. He kissed her hungrily, eating at her lips, running his tongue over every corner of her mouth. Isabel threaded her fingers through his hair, bringing him closer to her. Rhys weaved his hand through her hair, then wrapped it around his fist and tugged, angling her for better access.

Isabel moaned and wrapped her legs around his hips.

Rhys broke the kiss and trailed his mouth down her chin, her neck. He swirled his tongue over the hollow at the base of her throat, and Isabel whimpered.

“Rhys…” she breathed.

She wanted him closer, so much closer.

Rhys ripped his mouth away from her skin, and Isabel cried from frustration.

She wasn’t ready for it to stop. She felt like her heart would bust out of her chest if he didn’t resume kissing her. She felt vulnerable in the light of her new revelation.

She loved him.

And it made her want to weep in joy.

Rhys placed his forehead against hers, his breathing labored. He kissed her lightly on the mouth, then ran his thumbs over her nipples. Isabel arched against his touch.

“Do you know,” he spoke to her breasts, “that lately I’ve been rather bored during the day while working. I found myself staring at the ledgers with a vacant gaze, and my mind keeps being diverted by one enticing vixen.”

“Oh?” Her heart leaped.

Rhys untied her dressing gown and pulled the corners away from her body. He then lowered his head and licked her nipple through the fabric of her shift. Isabel whimpered.

“So instead of working, I decided to dedicate some time to studying.”

Another lick.

“Ah!” Isabel arched again. “What d-did you study?”

“The cards,” Rhys said with a grin.

It took her a moment before she realized what cards he was talking about. By that time, he had lowered himself on his knees before her and raised her night rail over his head. Isabel’s head fell back.

Rhys ran his hands up her thighs, and goosebumps covered her skin.

“Let me show you what I learned.” Rhys’s voice was thick with passion.

He took one of her legs and threw it over his shoulder, then caught her bottom in his firm hold and split her feminine lips with his tongue.