“Take Button home,” he said.

The footmen took the leash and led the animal away. Button barked in protest, although he had no choice but to follow the footmen.

The marquess looked at Isabel and shook his head as if in disapproval.

“I found him,” she said as confidently as she could, but her voice shook.

Vane took a handkerchief out of his pocket and handed it to her. Isabel looked at it with a frown. What did she need the handkerchief for? She shrugged and wiped the sweat from her forehead.

The marquess’s shoulders shook, and a moment later, he started wheezing. The cad was laughing at her!

Isabel scowled and threw the handkerchief back at him. “What could possibly cause you such amusement?”

Vane caught the handkerchief against his chest and took a step closer. “What causes me amusement is the fact that you’re all covered in mud, but the only thing you think of wiping is sweat off your forehead.”

Isabel looked down at herself and groaned. Her cloak was covered in paw-shaped mud, her skirts were dirty, and she was certain her face was muddy as well.

“I doubt your handkerchief would help,” she grumbled.

“Here, let me.” He stepped even closer and started wiping mud off her chest.

A strange feeling originated in the pit of her stomach at the contact. Then he touched her breast… Unintentionally, obviously.

Or was it so unintentional? He thought her loose, so perhaps he was testing how far she’d let him go with his ministrations.

Isabel brushed off his hand. “I am perfectly capable—”

“Hold still.” The marquess folded his dirty handkerchief away and took out a clean one.

He put it to her cheek and gently wiped the mud away. He cradled her other cheek in his hand as he did so, his face just inches away. The warmth of his fingers sent shivers up and down her spine.

Isabel’s breaths accelerated, her nipples hardened, and now chafed against her corset. She was getting a bit too warm. She swallowed, and the marquess’s gaze followed the ripple in her throat.

What was happening?

Vane paused and looked into her eyes. His gaze was heated, and Isabel had a feeling she’d burn if she continued looking into his dark irises. All too soon, he stepped away, and Isabel had to brace her knees and lean against the tree lest she fell.

Isabel blinked and shook her head to collect her scattered thoughts. She started putting her clothing to rights, as she wasn’t ready to meet his gaze again.

“I’ve found your dog,” she repeated. “You said we’d talk after. It’s after. Let’s talk.”

“A public park is not the best place to discuss the scandal we’re involved in. Perhaps we should adjourn back to my townhouse.”

Isabel dug in her heels. “No. You keep prolonging the inevitable. I just want to know whether you’ll marry me or not.”

The marquess wrinkled his nose. “To be completely honest, I am not very enthusiastic about the prospect.”

Isabel scoffed. “And you think I am? I am horrified by the idea that I might join your family of rude people and gigantic, unmannered dogs!”

“If you find my company so unpleasant and that of my dog, then why chase meandthe dog around the park? Perhaps you should consider other prospects.”

“I have no other prospects!” Isabel cried and squeezed her eyes shut.

She was willing to endure a lot for her family. She swallowed her pride and dignity by even conversing with this man. Her already unsavory reputation was getting dragged through the mud every second she argued with him outdoors. If she didn’t marry him, it would be unsalvageable.

But if she did… Well, she’d certainly die.

“Last time we spoke, you said you’d rather eat maggots than marry me. What has changed?” the marquess asked. “Maggots were not to your liking?”