Rhys frowned again. “I don’t always frown!”

Isabel raised a brow. “No. Sometimes you scowl or glare.”

Rhys caught her by the waist, and she giggled. “Isabel,” he rasped. “What you did just now. It was lovely but… if you didn’t like it—”

“I did.” Her smile gentled, and she cradled his cheek.

“Are you certain? Because I wouldn’t want you to do it if you didn’t enjoy it.”

“I did.”

She slid her hand lower and caressed his arm. Oh, what a strong and beautiful arm it was. She could look at Rhys’s naked form forever. Her gaze moved down, and her mouth formed a silent ‘O’ as she saw the appendage between his legs start growing again.

Rhys noticed her distractedness and smiled. “You know what we did just now… It wouldn’t result in a babe. And if you’re not feeling tired yet, we can—”

Isabel wrapped her arms around his neck. Perhaps it made her a wanton, but she did not care. She was, and would forever be, her husband’s wanton. “I am not tired,” she said and covered his mouth in a kiss.

* * *

The next day, more carriages rolled down the driveway as Isabel’s sister Sam arrived with her husband and their babe. And only a few minutes behind, two more visitors graced their doorstep, their brothers Adam and Alan.

The exuberant greeting in the hall surprised even the reserved butler, but now that the entire Lewis family was reunited under the same roof, quiet was not something that would be observed in the house for a long time.

They moved to the drawing room, as everyone continued chattering away.

Rhys and Sam’s husband, Ashbury, immediately bonded over the subject of reconstructing housing at their estates. They quickly disengaged from the Lewis family, giving siblings space to catch up.

“When did you arrive from the Continent?” Isabel asked as she embraced her brother, Alan, for the first time in years.

“A few days ago. I’ve missed enough family events, it seems,” he said, looking pointedly at Sam’s babe gurgling in her arms. “I didn’t want to miss anymore.”

Richard clapped him on the shoulder. “We had to marry both our sisters without you.”

“And I regret that immensely,” Alan answered solemnly.

“Why didn’t you tell me Alan had returned?” Isabel threw an accusing gaze toward Richard.

He just shrugged. “I wanted it to be a surprise.”

Adam guffawed. “Right, a surprise! You should have seen him gallop away in rage as he received the latest correspondence from James.”

“He is getting dismissed. You should know this,” Isabel grumbled.

Everyone laughed.

“I shall take him if you don’t want him,” Alan said with a smile. “I need to set up my townhouse now that I am back. And James seems like a nice chap. ”

“Yes, if you want Richard to know about your every step!” Isabel scoffed.

“Oh, don’t act all innocent!” Sam intervened. “I remember a time when James was spying on me and spilling everything to you.”

Isabel pursed her lips. “You were unmarried, and I was justifiably worried about your activities!”

“Since when does a family stop worrying about their sisters just because they got married?” Richard barked out.

“I would rather you worried like normal people. You know, actually asking instead of spying,” Sam said as she rocked her babe in her arms.

“Give her to me! Poor Angel will have vertigo if you keep rocking her like that.” Adam reached out his arms.