He’d wanted to savor their first moment of joining; he’d wanted to taste her and bring her to the brink of passion, but the moment he’d entered her, he’d known he wouldn’t last much longer.

It was so incredible to be inside her. She was warm and tight, soft and welcoming. She was perfect. As a result, it took him less than two minutes before he spilled his seed inside her. And it took him even less to want her again.

The moment she had cleaned herself and emerged from the dressing room, he had already been hard and aching for her. He’d wanted nothing more than to bury himself inside her heat again and have his way with her. And perhaps more than once.

But she’d had a veil of confusion over her face, and when he’d asked her how she felt, she’d said she was sleepy. That had left Rhys no choice but to leave her alone.

If he’d stayed the night with her, neither of them would have gotten any sleep.

Rhys slowly walked into Isabel’s room and caught her by her waist. She shrieked and turned around, but her face split into a smile as she saw him.

“You frightened me! I didn’t hear you come in.”

“Apologies. I believe you were too lost in your thoughts.”

“I was.” Isabel smiled, stood on her tiptoes, and wrapped her arms around his neck. “But I am always happy for a distraction.”

Rhys dipped his head and kissed her slowly. She moaned into his mouth and pressed her body against his.

Rhys’s cock stood at attention, and he wanted nothing more than toss up her skirts and have her right there against the window.

He broke the kiss instead.

“What are your plans for the day?” he asked, hoping they could spend some time together.

“I am going riding with Millie and the duchess. And then I have a lot of work around the house. The entertainment is arriving today, too.”

Rhys swallowed his disappointment. He wouldn’t see her the entire day. He restrained himself from offering an interlude to his wife right then and there.

Don’t be too eager.

“What did Gage tell you yesterday?” Isabel asked, running her hands up and down his chest.

Rhys put his hands over hers to stall their movement. His nerves were overexcited, as it were. “What do you mean?”

“I forgot to ask you yesterday, but after he arrived, you two hid away in a study for a while.”

Rhys smiled. “Oh, the usual. He threatened to kill me if I mistreated you. Which, I admit, is fair. But he crossed the line when he threatened my dog.”

“He threatened Button?” Her eyes widened comically.

“Yes, something about sending him to Scotland to herd sheep if he didn’t behave.”

Isabel let out a chuckle. “What did you say?”

“I said that if he tried that, he would have to answer to Millie. And after that, our conversation turned amicable.”

Isabel chuckled again. “I should remember that tactic for the next time Richard turns exasperating.”

“I am certain you won’t have to wait long.” Rhys grinned.

“I agree.”

She looked at him as though she wanted to say something. But she rose on her toes and kissed him on his chin instead. Rhys dipped his head and caught her lips, savoring the taste of her mouth.

“Will you come to me tonight?” she asked against his lips.

Rhys’s body tensed. Did she want him to? Or was she dreading it? “If you want,” he answered.