Isabel stifled a chuckle. “You think someone twisted my ankle on purpose?”

He shrugged. “Pushed you, maybe?”

Isabel pursed her lips. “What else did you hear?”

“That you had an argument with your husband yesterday so severe that you left the house with a basket of food on horseback.”

Isabel shot up, forcing Richard to stand also. “You’ve been spying on me?”

“Well, of course, I’ve been spying on you! Do you think I would just let you go to the lair of a beast alone and unprotected? No way.”

The meddlesome man wasn’t even apologetic about it.

She narrowed her eyes on him. “And how did you hear about it so quickly?”

“I was in Bedford visiting Sam when I received—” Richard clamped his mouth shut, but it was too late.

Isabel’s chest heaved, but she forced herself to calm down. “Who told you?”

“Does it matter?” Richard crossed his arms over his chest.

“It was James, wasn’t it? That little traitor!”

“James is not the issue! Your husband is!”

Of course, that was the exact moment her husband decided to appear at the door. Isabel groaned.

“Good morning, Lord Gage,” he snapped. “To what do we owe the pleasure of you gracing our house with your presence and insulting me behind my back?”

“As you can attest, you are the one who is behind my back.”

Isabel fell into the chair with a groan. Now she had to deal with two obstinate men, as if one was not enough. Rhys stalked into the room and stood behind Isabel’s chair. He grazed the skin of her arm, just below her sleeve, and Isabel looked up with a smile. He winked at her before training his gaze on her brother.

Gage was watching them with narrowed eyes. “I thought you didn’t like each other.”

Isabel shrugged. “I changed my mind.”

She turned toward her husband and tugged on his sleeve.

He looked at her, puzzled. “I did not change my mind. I always liked you.”

“You liar.” Isabel swatted at his arm, but he caught her hand and kissed her knuckles.

“Lord, give me strength!” Richard shook his head and scrubbed his face with his hand. “I think I need coffee or whisky. Or both.”

“I have that in my study,” Rhys offered.

“Splendid!” Isabel shot up from the chair. “You two can discuss your gentlemanly business in your study, and I need to go to the village and check on my friend. I shall take Millie with me if you don’t mind. I think she’ll enjoy seeing a tiny babe.”

Isabel was glad to escape the company of the two stubborn men. She just hoped they wouldn’t shoot each other in her absence.

“You’ll have to take Button, too,” Rhys reminded her.

Isabel wrinkled her nose. “I’ll have James look after him for me,” she said and beamed at her brother.

* * *

Isabel returned to the house a few hours later. Millicent had a great time playing with the village children while Isabel conversed with Lilian, who was already bustling around the house as if nothing had happened.