The animal sniffed her face and licked her nose.

Isabel didn’t know which emotion hit her first. Was it the surprise of being tackled, the horror of a huge animal crushing her, or the disgust at being licked by the foul-smelling fiend?

It definitely took her a moment to realize she was even in pain. Her back felt as if it was on needles, and her head gave a dull ache. Then the monstrous animal got distracted and ran off.

There were more screams and a high-pitched shout as it doubtless tried to tackle more people.

Isabel struggled to get up when the butler finally came to her aid. She dusted off her skirt and cradled her aching head in her hands, thinking that she’d have a rather ugly bump there in a moment.

“Miss? Are you hurt, Miss?” Her terrified maid rushed toward her.

Two or three footmen ran off in pursuit of the beast, leaving the door open after them.

Loud steps sounded from the staircase again, only this time they seemed human.

“Why in the bloody hell is the door open, Monroe?” the man growled, barely reaching the hall. “You know—” He halted in his tracks, his mouth slightly open, an unspoken syllable on his lips. He looked Isabel up and down with an unflattering gaze and sketched a shallow bow before turning to the butler. “Please, have Miss Lewis wait for me in the study. I need to chase after the bloody dog. And send a few footmen after him, too.”

“Yes, my lord. Footmen are already in pursuit.”

“Good. Get my coat and hat. I shall follow.”

The butler hastened to obey as more steps sounded from the direction of the staircase. Was someone else coming to kick Isabel while she was down?

A small girl ran up to the stern marquess and grabbed him by his breeches. “Where did Button go?”

Button? Isabel raised a brow.

“He ran off. The door was open.” The marquess scowled at Isabel. “I shall try to go fetch him, but will you call Mrs. Ainsworth and keep our nice guest company?”

The girl frowned at Isabel and hid behind the marquess’s long legs. “Did she let Button free?”

Isabel opened her mouth to respond but was interrupted.

“Darling, you’re supposed to greet our guest and curtsy,” the marquess said softly.

“But she lost Button!” the girl protested, still not looking directly at Isabel.

“I did not lose him. He attacked me!” Isabel said, offended.

The marquess sent her a withering glance before turning back to the girl. “Button is not lost. I shall find him.”

The marquess took his coat and hat from the butler’s fingers, donned them, and turned to exit the house.

Isabel looked at the girl, who was now scowling at her. With that look on her face, she resembled the marquess immensely.

Isabel had no desire to be left in the house with a hostile little girl and a conceited old butler. Besides, that dog could be anywhere, and she could be stuck there forever.

She turned to the girl with a sweet smile. “I shall go and assist his lordship in looking for the dog,” she said as the door closed behind the marquess. “Anthea, please, wait here.”

With a nod toward her maid, she scurried out of the house.

Isabel saw the marquess disappearing in the direction of the park and hurried after him. “It is impolite to leave a guest alone in the house,” she said as she matched his step.

“You were not alone,” he answered, without even bothering to look at her.

“A five-year-old does not count as company in polite society.”

He looked at her queerly. “She is six. And since it was your fault the dog has escaped, I do not think leaving you was the worst thing I could have done.”