Chapter 23

Robert had arrived late at night. All the lights in the townhouse were out, everyone had been sleeping. He came into Mary’s room for a quick peek. He’d missed the girl a lot in the past fortnight. He came closer to the bed and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. She stirred and peered from beneath her lashes.

“Rob back,” she whispered.

“Yes, darling, I am back. Now, go back to sleep. We’ll talk on the morrow,” he gave her a wink but illuminated with a single hand candle; he wasn’t sure she’d seen it. Either way, she mumbled something under her breath, turned on her side, and promptly fell asleep.

Robert passed his wife’s quarters, but the light was off, so he went straight into his room. He wanted to see Julie. He couldn’t believe how much he’d missed her in the two weeks he’d been gone. There was also dread mixed in with the anticipation. What if she’d chosen John over him? That was a primary reason he didn’t go into her room as he did Mary’s. She might not be as happy to see him as he was her.

Just as he was thinking it, the connecting door to his suites opened, and Julie entered the room. She was dressed in her nightgown, her hair loose, although she always had it covered by her nightcap when she went to sleep unless they were making love. His eyes devoured her form, her slim neck, her pale hands, and face. The rest was covered by her monstrous nightgown, which he itched to remove.

“You’re back,” she whispered. Robert smiled slowly. He liked to imagine that she actually waited for him till late at night because she missed him too. He was too afraid to ask and find out whether that was the reason she was still awake, but he did so anyway.

“Did you miss me?” the words slipped by as if without his consent.

“Did you?” she smiled back at him.

Robert made a couple of steps toward her and took her by her hands. Her hands were extremely cold, like blocks of ice. He noticed she was shaking too. By the candlelight, he couldn’t see her face clearly, but she seemed paler than usual. He peered intently at her, trying to confirm his suspicions, but she ducked her head, made another step toward him, and hugged him. Robert was so astonished; he froze for a moment before putting his own arms around her. He hugged her cold form tightly to him and kissed the top of her head.

“You are cold. Did your fire go out in your room?” he asked worriedly. Julie shook her head. “Are you alright?”

She stepped back far enough to look him in the eyes. “I need to talk to you,” she said, her voice frail. Robert started to worry that he misread her gestures of affection. Perhaps it was not the greeting of reuniting lovers but a goodbye.

“Of course,” he said, frowning. “Have a seat,” he gestured to a seat, but she started pacing by the fire instead.

“You must be tired from the trip.” She frowned up at him as she paused, pacing. “Do you want me to come in the morning? It’s just that I’ve waited for you all day—”

“No,” he interrupted briskly. He wouldn’t be able to sleep if he didn’t hear whatever she decided to tell him in the middle of the night. Her revelation that she’d waited for him all day for this got him even more anxious. “Please continue. What did you want to tell me?”

Julie took a deep breath. “The annulment.” She said succinctly. “Would you really grant me an annulment if I said I wanted to be with John?”

Robert was struck speechless for a horrifying moment. She was leaving him. His throat dry; he had to clear it and lick his lips before speaking. “Yes,” he finally pushed out the word.

“And you would be fine with it?” She was still frowning.

“I would respect your wish. And your right to happiness.”

“And if I wanted to stay?” Julie lowered her eyes. “With you.” The dim hope lit up in his soul against his better judgment.

He closed his eyes against the traitorous feeling. “I would be honored,” he said hoarsely.

“But would you be happy?” her voice was so small; it was barely audible.

“Yes,” he said simply. He was too tired to play games with her. A simple truth would have to do. Julie finally raised her gaze to his and smiled.

“Good,” was all she said. Robert stood there, staring at her before he realized what she meant. But he would not settle for ‘good.’ He needed to hear her say it. He needed to be sure.

“You mean you are staying?”

Julie bit her lip and nodded her head.

“That’s not good enough.” Robert made a few steps until he stood flash against her. “I need to hear you say it,” he said, placing his hands on her waist. Julie’s eyes roamed his face before settling on his eyes. Then a slow smile lit her face.

“I want to stay with you. I want to be your wife, always—”

She was going to say something else, but her last words undid him. He lowered his head and captured her mouth in a rough and greedy kiss. Robert felt her tremulous laugh before it turned into a passionate moan under his mouth. She was suddenly as greedy as he, her hands roaming his body, her pelvis rubbing against him. She slid her hands in his hair, and he groaned into her mouth. He was about to pick her up and toss her onto the bed when she suddenly wrenched away. He tried to hold on to her, but she disengaged herself and hastily exited his rooms. Robert stood another moment, staring at the place she occupied a moment ago, before following her to the dressing room. He stopped cold at the threshold. There were sounds of her being ill. Then the splashing of the water, the heavy breathing.

That was the reason for her paleness. Her hands had been cold; she’d been trembling. It wasn’t her unsuppressed desires as he’d like to believe; she would heat up instead if that was the case. She’d been ill, or else—