Chapter 22

John had come back.

Julie closed her eyes to make sure it wasn’t her imagination playing tricks on her. When she opened them again, John was still standing in her hallway, her husband in front of him. No, she did not make this up. Fate just decided to indulge her with another hit.

Not only was he back, but he was also here. In her house, in her hallway. The world darkened for a moment, and the next thing she knew, she was no longer standing but sitting on the stairs. Both men leaped to catch her. Robert reached her first since he was closer. His hands closed on her arms, and by the look of it, he caught her just before she hit the floor, gingerly setting her down on the stairs. She looked at him briefly before looking over his shoulder and seeing the beloved face of John.

He was road weary and appeared disheveled. His hair was mussed, his dear hazel eyes troubled, his face etched with worry-lines he probably gained during the war. But he was still the same. Julie struggled to get up, walked past Robert, and into John’s arms. He hugged her tightly before she could regain her senses and remember herself.

Julie pulled away from him and looked at her husband. He still stood on the stairs where he helped her up, not quite looking at them, his hands clenched in fists at his sides, his lips pressed into a thin line. He seemed so tense and forlorn that she wanted to go to him, soothe him and hug him tightly as well.

She opted for introductions instead. “Robert, Mr. John Godfrey, John, my husband, Lord Clydesdale.” Both men bowed and regarded each other steadily from head to toe. Robert broke the stare first.

He turned to Julie with stony features. “I will leave you to it then.”

With that, he turned on his heel and stalked away. Julie was so astonished that he left her alone with a man, and not just any man, but with her first love that she went mute for several long moments.

“Let’s proceed to the drawing room, shall we?” she said a bit shakily when she finally collected herself. They’ve walked into the room in silence, the atmosphere between them crackling with tension. “I apologize. I am in a bit of a shock,” she said while settling into a chair in front of the fire and smoothing her skirts.

“I understand,” John smiled softly at her. The smile so familiar and dear she almost turned into a puddle.

“I’ve missed you so much,” she said emphatically. “How are you? I mean—Are you all right? Are you here for long?”

“I’ve come to stay.” He furrowed his brow before smiling again, “For you. Obviously.”

All Julie could do was just blink.

“I know you are married, but it was arranged against your will. I am sure we can annul it and—” he stopped as Julie turned away and bit her lip. “We don’t have to talk about it just yet. We haven’t seen each other for a long time.”

Julie smiled at that, “Indeed.” Then her eyes widened as she remembered one thing they could discuss freely. “Do you want to see Mary?” she said brightly. “She is here.”

“Absolutely,” John shot to his feet, “Do you—do you think she remembers me?”

“She does. In fact, we talked about you recently with her. You won’t believe what has come to pass in the last several months. But come, let me reintroduce you to her.”

They went to see Mary, and the reunion was filled with hugs and smiles and a bit of reminiscence. They were already breaking etiquette by allowing him to visit them so late, and Julie didn’t want even more talk surrounding their family. So, they agreed that he’d visit them at an appropriate time tomorrow, and they would go for a ride in a barouche with Mary.

The moment John left, Julie felt a cloud settle over her head. She wanted to cry and laugh and rage; she was so confused with her emotions. Several months ago, she would kill a person to see John one more time. Now that he was here, she did not know what to feel. He didn’t press or demand anything of her tonight, but it was clear by his longing gaze, his gentle smile, that he expected her to make a choice between him and Robert. The latter, on the other hand, seemed to take himself off the running.

Julie made her way to her room and sat on the edge of the bed, scrubbing her temples. She was relieved when the connecting door opened, and Robert entered the room. He didn’t go farther into the room, just stood awkwardly by the threshold.

“You must be overjoyed,” he said evenly.

“I am.” Julie bit her lip, wondering if he was expecting a different answer. There was an awkward pause.

“I am guessing he expects you to leave me for him.”

That didn’t sound like a question. Julie looked at Robert’s composed features, trying to gauge his mood.

“I can’t do that; we’re married—”

“I want you to think on it—” they said at the same time.

“What?” Julie looked at him, not quite believing she heard him right. “You want me to think onwhat?”

“Annulment,” he said shortly.

Julie was so stunned she didn’t know how to respond.