Chapter 14

Julie sat by Mary’s bed looking at her still form, watching her closely, making sure she was breathing evenly. After Mary had calmed down, the doctor went in again to look at her, but Mary refused to cooperate. She cried for Robert, wept for him to protect her, and Julie’s heart seemed to break into tiny little pieces at that moment. As a result, the doctor had promised to visit in the morning in hopes Mary would be in a better frame of mind to receive him.

Julie raised her head at a light knock on the door. A moment later, a vast shadow entered the room. She couldn’t see clearly, but she felt, rather than saw, it was Robert. Julie almost shot up from the chair, millions of thoughts invading her mind all at once. Instead, she stood slowly and regarded her wayward husband stonily.

Robert ran his gaze over her body before fixing his eyes to her face. He looked awful. His beard needed shaving, his clothes were disheveled as if he dressed in haste, his hair mussed. And there was a strange smell emanating from him. Something sweet, like a perfume. Lilac?

“How is she?” Robert asked in a hoarse whisper, drawing her attention back to him.

Julie swallowed about a dozen of scathing remarks. He’d failed to greet them when they arrived in London, had gone missing for days, looked like he’d just come from the den of inequity where he’d spent the last couple of weeks, and all he said was,how is she?No apologies, noforgive me’s?

“Well,” was all she said instead.

Robert slowly walked to the bed where Mary still slept soundly and watched her for a few moments in silence. Julie didn’t interfere. She just stood there across the bed from him, watched the play of emotions on his face: worry, anguish, guilt.

Julie lowered her eyes to her little sister and watched the rise and fall of her chest fixedly.

“I’ll go freshen up and come back to sit with her,” her husband said in a hushed tone. “You’re probably tired and need rest.”

Julie just nodded without looking at him. She heard the sounds of receding footsteps and the door being opened. “Where were you?” Julie said, finally raising her eyes to her husband’s retreating back.

Robert turned his head toward her. “It’s a long story—” he cleared his throat, “let’s talk about it later.” With this, he exited the room and shut the door behind him.

With a loud sigh, Julie settled back into her chair, her limbs heavy, her mind foggy, the stress of the day finally making itself known. She placed her head on her sister’s chest, slightly moving with her every breath, and in a few minutes, she was asleep.

* * *

Julie woke up early in the morning because of the sun streaming through the window. She always shut her curtains at night, so she was confused to awaken with them opened. She sat up and looked around. She was in her room, in her bed, still dressed in her day dress, although her bodice was loosened. She didn’t remember coming to her bed last night. In fact, she wasn’t planning on leaving Mary when—Robert!

Julie shot from the bed and stalked to her husband’s adjoining rooms. The rooms were empty and cleaned, as if not slept in. She returned to her quarters and rang for her maid. She needed a fresh start to the day if she wanted to have a confrontation with her husband.

Once she was ready, she walked to Mary’s room and heard the voices there. She was about to open the door when it was thrown open. Julie almost collided with Dr. Grisham as he was exiting the room.

“Doctor,” Julie exclaimed, startled.

“My Lady,” Dr. Grisham bowed and walked past her. Robert was the next to exit the room, his face grim.

“Is everything all right?” Julie impulsively put her hand on his sleeve. Robert looked down at her hand before meeting her gaze.

“Yes, Dr. Grisham has just inspected her. We’ll adjourn to my study to discuss this further. I think it’s best if you stay with Mary.”

“Why?” Julie’s eyes widened. “I want to know what is wrong with my sister.”

“Perhaps it would be better—” Robert started, but Julie cut him off.

“No, I am tired of all of you treating me like my sister’s health is none of my business. It is. It is my only business here.”

Julie saw Robert flinch a little at her words, but he composed himself quickly and nodded. “Do you want to speak to Mary first?”

Julie tried to peer inside the room, chewing on her lip in thought, before looking at the doctor. “I’ll speak to her after. I won’t want to keep the doctor waiting. Alice can take care of her in the meantime.”

“All right.” Robert nodded and gestured for Julie to proceed him. They all started down the stairs and into Robert’s study.

Julie sat next to Robert on a settee, and the doctor settled on the chair in front of them. They’ve exchanged pleasantries for a few moments before Robert cleared his throat and regarded the doctor with a severe stare. Doctor’s gaze seemed to land on Julie as he fidgeted in his seat.

“You can talk freely in front of my wife,” Robert intoned evenly.

“Are you sure? Because I’d be more comfortable—”