“Why did you join me?” he countered, and she laughed.

“I wanted to talk to you,” she said softly.

“And I was hoping we could skip that part.” He took a step closer to her, so they were face to face, only a foot apart.

“Pardon?” Julie had to raise her head to look into his face.

He took her chin between his thumb and forefinger and placed a kiss on her mouth.

Julie drew away, shocked. “What are you doing?”

“Don’t act innocent. You’ve wanted this.”

“I most definitely did not want this!” Julie cried, wiping her mouth with her sleeve.

“Oh, please, no need for theatrics. Nobody can see you down here.” He moved closer once again.

Julie was frozen in shock and fear, watching him advance on her.

“Those gazes you sent me throughout supper, I know you want me. And I can give it to you too,” he said, placing his head so close to hers their noses were a hairbreadth away. “I can fuck you so hard like Robert never had.”

Julie flinched from the vulgarity and was about to draw away again, but Eric grabbed her by the waist and placed a hard kiss on her mouth. He moved one hand to the back of her head so that she couldn’t move away. Julie felt his tongue licking at the seam of her lips, and she squirmed in disgust, pushing at his chest.

Eric grabbed her by the hairs and kept her face an inch away from his. “Don’t struggle,” he sneered between his teeth and drew closer again.

“Stop it!” Julie screamed, finally finding her voice. “Stop it! Stop it!” she emphasized each word with a shove of her fists at his chest. Tears of helplessness streamed down her face. Another man using his physical strength against her, and she couldn’t do anything to protect herself.

He placed his mouth on hers once again, and Julie bit him. Hard.

“You bitch,” Eric shoved her away and wiped at the blood on his mouth.

Julie stumbled and landed on her bottom in grass and snow.

“You’ll pay for that,” he sneered at her again, coming closer. “Why do you struggle, anyway? Do you think that your beloved Robert is faithful to you?”

Julie heard a rustle of leaves behind Eric and something that sounded like footsteps. She prayed it wasn’t her overactive imagination conjuring up saviors but that one of the servants came outside and heard the struggle. Eric didn’t seem to notice anything, so absorbed he was in his tirade.

“Well, I’ll tell you the news, love. Robert has numerous mistresses. Why do you think he went to London? To work? The season has barely started. He doesn’t have a thing to do there. He went to indulge in carnal delights you, apparently, cannot provide.”

“You are lying!” Julie spat at him, although she wasn’t sure of it. She didn’t quite know what he meant by carnal delights, but she refused Robert her marriage bed. So what if he went to his mistress?

Eric laughed, a hollow sound, devoid of humor and warmth, “So sure of your dear responsible Robert, are you? Well, let me tell you something. The night I left for Clydesdale Hall, I saw him entering his lover’s apartment. The apartment he is sustaining her in, by the way.”

“I don’t believe you.” Julie’s voice didn’t sound as confident anymore.

“Oh, you can ask him. I am sure he will tell you the truth,” he sneered. “Ask him who Vanessa is.” By this time, Eric stood over her in the shadows. Julie was still sitting in the grass, looking at him wide-eyed. “As for now, I will show you exactly what he’s doing there with her.” Eric lowered his hands to her skirts and started lifting them up.

Julie yanked her legs closer to her torso and grabbed his hands to stop his movements. The action upset Eric’s balance, and he fell on top of her. Julie shoved at him, but he grabbed her by the hair again.

“You!” They both froze as the dowager’s stern voice slashed the air between them. “Get your filthy hands away from my granddaughter,” she fairly spat.

Julie was thanking the stars for the timely interruption. She was so relieved that she didn’t even notice the way the dowager referred to her.

Eric took his weight on his elbows and regarded the dowager with his steady gaze, still lying on top of frightened Julie.

“You call this whore your granddaughter? Look at her? She was five seconds away from servicing me.” He smirked and ran his hand over Julie’s breast, making her flinch and dig herself deeper into the cold ground.

A loud crack split the air, and in a matter of a second, Eric rolled away from Julie, screaming in agony and holding his leg. Julie regarded him in shock, then turned to the dowager to see her holding her walking cane like a weapon.