The dowager looked at Julie coldly. “Did you now?”
Julie almost flinched under her gaze, but she managed to hold her own.
“We can’t turn him away this late, can we? Besides, Lord Howard here—is family,” she added with a smile.
Howard smiled back at her, then turned toward the dowager duchess.
“Maybe you should consult with your husband before showing hospitality to his—” the dowager regarded Eric with a disgusted grimace, “family members.”
“Well, he is not here, is he?” Julie snapped. “Mrs. Post, please show Lord Howard here to his quarters. We were supposed to go to London on the morrow,” she turned to Lord Howard apologetically.
“No apologies necessary, I won’t stay long,” he said with a grin.
Julie spent most of that day in the company of Eric, as he insisted she call him. He was an engaging conversationalist, funny and entertaining. He wasn’t judgmental about Mary and was charming, lovely, polite, and courteous. He told funny childhood stories of him and Robert. The way he, Robert and Gabriel, Lord St. Clare made mischief in Eton. But nothing after that.
“When was the last time you saw him?” Julie asked him, curious to know more about her husband. “It’s just, it seems like you only knew each other as children,” she observed.
“We drew apart after Eton.” Eric shrugged. “There was a girl in town. I was in love with her most of my life. Robert knew that.” He laughed bitterly. “But he still seduced her and then left her.”
Julie furrowed her brows. “That doesn’t sound like Robert,” she said instantly.
“And you know him so well?” Eric raised a brow. “Forgive me,” he continued after a brief silence on Julie’s part. “I didn’t mean to pry; it just didn’t sound as if you two had a love match.” He looked at her intently.
“No.” Julie shook her head. “Not a love match. But I got to know him well, I think. And he is caring and responsible—”
“Yes, responsible Rob,” Eric sneered, a touch of jealousy in his voice. Julie wondered if she’d imagined it.
“Why is the dowager angry with you?”
“Isn’t she angry with everyone?” He grinned at Julie charmingly.
“Perhaps you are right.” She smiled back at him. “Thank you for telling me all these stories. I enjoy learning more about this family I married into. I know Robert is probably the one who should be telling all this,” she added quietly.
“Anything to help my cousin. I will be glad to assume any other roles he’s neglecting,” he said with a lazy smile.
“Look at the time,” Julie said, suddenly feeling uncomfortable. “We better get to supper. I wouldn’t want to anger the dowager even more.”
“No,” Eric agreed. “We wouldn’t want that.”
* * *
Julie walked to the window and looked out at the dark gardens below. She was getting ready for bed and thinking over the events of the day. The dinner had been awkward. Every time Eric had asked something of Julie, the dowager interrupted him. She threw disapproving glances at him all evening and asked him pointed questions, indulging in monologues preventing Julie and him from conversing. Eric, on his part, just brushed it off and winked at Julie, indicating that the dowager’s behavior hadn’t upset him in the least. All this tension only made Julie more curious about Eric and what past connected him to her family.
She noticed a lone figure standing with the lantern amidst the flowers. She peered into the darkness and thought she recognized Eric’s silhouette. She battled for a moment with herself, but curiosity won out. Julie threw on a warm shawl and stalked outside.
The night air was chill in the garden. She drew her shawl closer to herself and huddled beneath it. Her soft half-boots made a sound on the snow, and Eric turned as Julie moved closer.
“Out for a night walk?” he asked with his usual charming grin.
“You could say that,” she said with an answering smile. “And you?”
“Well, I strategically placed myself underneath your window, hoping you’d see me and join me on my walk.”
Julie raised a brow at him, puzzled.
“If that hadn’t worked, I’d send you a note,” he continued with his lazy smile.
“Why did you want me to join you?”