Julie’s only reaction was an intake of a deep breath. She didn’t protest and sat to Robert’s right on the farther side of the table from the duchess. Robert swallowed a chuckle.
“How was your day today?” Julie asked as soon as they settled in their seats. She looked up at him innocently, obviously trying to ignore the dowager’s disapproving gazes.
“Good.” Robert cleared his throat. “Mary quite enjoyed the outing.”
The food was brought in at that moment, and he could see the proud look in his wife’s eyes. She had ordered the most sought-after foods: roasted duck with vegetables, green peas, and artichoke, tongue, and boiled capers—nothing he particularly cared for, but everything that was considered a delicacy. Robert was more of a traditional meat pies and potatoes kind of gentleman himself. Still, he couldn’t fault his wife for wanting to impress the duchess with fashionable meals.
“Why don’t you take your wife with you to see the tenants?” the dowager asked.
“It has barely been a sennight. Surely there are a lot of important things for the countess to do,” he said and looked up to see Julie studying him intently.
“I rather agree with Her Grace,” she said evenly and turned back to her plate. “I think it is time I accompanied you and Mary; it is only right.” She didn’t look at him as she spoke this time, just sawed away at her food. Her hair was swept up, baring the side of her neck for his view. Robert couldn’t quite avert his gaze from the sight.
“If you wish. I think we can—” he started slowly, and at that moment, Julie brought her fork to her lips and put the piece of food into her mouth.
She licked her lips and closed her eyes briefly in obvious enjoyment, and Robert quite forgot what he was saying.
“We can what?” She turned to him when he said nothing further, and he had to concentrate on collecting his thoughts.
“We can organize a fair or some sort of celebration to welcome you to the estate,” he finished lamely.
“It’s a marvelous idea,” the dowager said, “but it will take quite a bit of preparation. No need to wait for a grand celebration to introduce your countess. We can always celebrate in spring.”
“Quite,” his wife agreed. “I can’t wait that long to meet the tenants. It’s unheard of for the mistress of the estate to not be acquainted with the people for so long.”
Robert assumed her eagerness to join them stemmed from her unwillingness to spend all her time with the duchess, and he smirked inwardly.
“Whatever you wish, My Lady,” he said and resumed his meal.
Next came the dessert. The wine was served, together with fruit and almonds, and some small tart was placed on his plate covered with… cooked fruit? Robert looked in his wife’s direction; she was eyeing the piece of dessert with obvious anticipation. Her eyes glowed as she cut the piece and carefully placed it in her mouth. Her tongue peeked out to collect the remainder of tart off her lips, and Robert groaned inwardly. The suggestive action, the blissful expression of her face, was enough to make his breeches tighten uncomfortably. Would he have to face this torture during every meal?
It didn’t matter that he didn’t like his vegetables and fruit cooked anymore. From now on, his favorite dessert was watching his wife partake in a fruit tart. For a moment, Robert imagined her putting other, more erotic things in her mouth. His eyes narrowed on the ripple of her throat as she swallowed, then ventured lower to her covered decolletage.
“Did you hear me, Clydesdale?” The stern voice of his grandmother brought him back to the table from his thoughts.
Robert started and turned to look at the dowager. “Pardon, I was thinking about something else,” Robert confessed hastily.
“Obviously,” the dowager smirked, and Robert felt his neck heat.
Had the dowager witnessed his lustful gazes toward his wife? Had Julie?
“I was saying that despite the additional tutoring that is obviously necessary, your wife is not a lost cause.”
Robert shot an amused glance toward his wife and noted her briefly close her eyes as if she were praying for patience.
“I think it is safe to assume she’ll be ready for an introduction to London society as your countess in less than a fortnight,” the dowager continued.
“Good.” Robert nodded. “Rutland probably wants me there earlier. I can go ahead of you and set up the townhouse.”
Julie paused with her fork mid-air. “You want us to travel without you?”
“Yes, I think it best if I go in advance,” he answered evenly.
Julie placed the fork on her plate without eating the rest of her food. Her features darkened. What could possibly distress her about his leaving for London without them?