Robert narrowed his eyes. “I don’t see how that’s any of your business,” he said emotionlessly.

“Oh, but it is my business. I need a great-grandson. My son needs an heir.”

“Your son has an heir. Me. I, on the other hand, will deal with my heir issues my own way, without your interference.”

“My darling boy, this is not your dukedom. I may yet outlive you all. I do not look forward to the process, but with your lifestyles as they are—” She waved her hand dismissively.

“Pardon my dense mind, are you threatening to murder me if I don’t live as you approve of?” Robert’s lips twitched in a smile as he regarded her.

“Do not be ridiculous.” The dowager almost rolled her eyes.

Robert was ready to laugh; It was always refreshing for him when he could crack her stony demeanor. He’d made a game out of it when he was younger, and he enjoyed doing it still.

“What I want to know is if idiocy runs in her family, and if not, why is she not sharing your rooms?” She raised a brow in an intimidating fashion that sent young maidens running in tears.

Robert looked at her with a stony facade. “How I conduct my business in bed is none of your concern. Regarding the idiocy…” Robert shrugged. “I don’t think so. Her sister is—”

“Her sister.” The dowager looked at him carefully.

“Yes, her sister. You are going to meet her before dinner, and I would advise you to treat her with respect, as part of the family.”

“You already told me about the deal.” The dowager waved the issue away dismissively.

“It is not just that.” Robert cleared his throat. “She has been through enough in her lifetime. She needs kindness in her life.”

“In that case, you came to the wrong person.” The dowager stiffened even more than Robert thought possible.

“I know you, Grandma,” Robert smirked.

“Do not call me that. How many times must I tell you?”

“You raised me, remember? And you were far kinder than either of my parents,” Robert said evenly.

“Compared to your father, anyone with a speck of emotion can be considered kinder.”

“And that is all I am asking of you.” Robert leaned forward, placing his hands on the table.

The dowager tilted her head speculatively. “You care for the girl,” she observed rather than asked.

“I do.” Robert nodded. “She is… unique. She is not an idiot. She is just—” He shrugged, not quite able to find the right words. “It’s difficult to explain. You will see for yourself soon.”

“And your wife?”

“Well, my wife needs your support as well.” Robert heaved a sigh. “In a different manner. I need her ready to be the ideal hostess in a month’s time. You know this season is important to Father. We need to establish an excellent reputation, so he can hand over all his business to me without incident.”

“It won’t be easy with an idiot in the family,” the dowager stated dispassionately.

“Right.” Robert scratched his chin thoughtfully. “We need to do everything perfectly. And perhaps hold off on people seeing her.”

“That would be best,” the dowager said and then narrowed her eyes. “I can polish your wife as much as anyone would be able to, but there are some things even I am not in power to change.”

“Such as?” Robert stiffened in his seat.

“Such as… Are you certain she’ll hold to her bargain and will not hop around from one gentleman’s bed to another?”

Robert held his breath so as not to burst. “I don’t know,” he said stiffly.

“Well, perhaps if you kept her in your bed, she wouldn’t—”