Chapter 4

The next day, Robert gathered his family in his father’s study to relate the joyous news. The duke clapped him on his shoulder and murmured his congratulations. He was never very articulate with his feelings, though his brief compliments showed his approval quite well. The dowager duchess, however, was less enthusiastic about the union.

“You must be out of your mind!” she said with a sniff. “That girl is an absolute disaster. She will never be a proper hostess. She can’t even carry on a simple conversation.”

“The deal is done and sealed, Your Grace. She will be my wife, whether or not you approve.”

“Well, I disapprove just the same. She doesn’t deserve you, and she doesn’t deserve this title.” She regarded him stone-faced.

“You said that about the last one.” Rutland raised a brow at her.

“Well, wasn’t I right about her?” She skewered the duke with a knifelike stare.

Rutland shook his head and walked to the seat behind his desk.

“Nevertheless,” Robert stated loudly, “I need both of your help with introducing her into society as my new duchess.” He turned to look at his father and noticed that he’d lost him. The duke could only concentrate on a conversation for brief periods. Once they started to bore him, he went back to his margins and numbers. Robert rolled his eyes and looked at the duchess.

“Well, it doesn’t look as if I have much choice, do I?” she asked primly, folding her hands on her lap.

“That’s not all.” Robert took a deep breath, preparing to drop the most important part of his deal.

“Oh?” The duchess regarded him stonily.

“She’s asked me to help get her sister out of an asylum.”

“Ha!” the duchess exclaimed loudly. “I knew it. That family looked like it ran in their blood.”

“Don’t be cruel. We don’t know the entire story there.”

“I don’t need to know the full story; I saw the lady.” The duchess’s nostrils flared, the only indication in her bearing of a feeling more prominent than indifference.

“She also asked that we treat her with respect,” Robert continued, “which we will do.”

“You cannot make promises on my behalf.” The duchess sniffed and looked away.

“I can, and I did. So please, be civil to her,” Robert insisted.

“You know what that means, don’t you? She will hoist that child on me. I will be the one looking after it, taking care of it, and God forbid, introducing it to society one day!”

“No need to exaggerate—”

“Did you see that girl? She doesn’t know how to handle a fork, let alone a child. I bet it is her offspring, not a sister!” The duchess’s eyes narrowed on him. “She probably birthed it, and her father threw the poor child into an asylum far from the scandal.” The dowager duchess’s face contorted in disgust. “That man is without principles. I don’t know why you deal with him, Rutland.”

Robert’s father raised his head at the mention of his name. He was clearly out of the loop of the conversation. Noticing that no input from him was necessary, he went back to his ledgers.

Robert heaved a weary sigh. “None of this is under discussion. I am simply letting you know what is going to happen. So, I’d appreciate your cooperation.”

The duchess smoothed the wrinkles of her gown. “Funny how you care nothing for my opinions, and it seems to me, I will be doing all the work.”

“You won’t be marrying her.” Robert looked at her intently.

“No, but I will be arranging your wedding, the wedding breakfast, helping her pick out the trousseau, teaching her manners, and sponsoring her and her—” she waved her hand in disgust “—offspring into society when the time comes.” She paused and looked at Robert down the length of her nose. “Considering I am always right, I wish you’d listen to me at least once and pick another bride.”

“I’ll make you a deal.” Robert walked over and sat next to her. He took her hands in his and looked at her face intently. “How about I’ll take your advice next time?” His lips twitched at a barely suppressed smile.

The dowager duchess raised a brow at him. “Don’t you think I’ll forget about this.”

* * *