“But neither did he bring you back. You’ve been gone for hours.”

Hours? “Where did the time go?” she said with a bit of a nervous laugh.

“Don’t be cute,” her mother bit out sharply. “You’d better have an excellent explanation for why you are out here alone with the baron.”

Tillie drew in a deep breath. “I do. There is an occultation and—”

“Not that,” Lady Greenburg called as her brother handed out the other matron.

“Yes, that,” Tillie answered. “Two planets that appeared completely disparate came together tonight.” She looked back at Alex, reaching her hand back to twine her fingers through his again. She now understood the reference he’d been making before. “And now, Jupiter and Venus wish to be married.”

Apparently, everyone got the simile between her and Alex and the planets more quickly than herself because a hush fell over the night before her mother finally let out a cry for joy. “Thank the saints!”

Tillie gasped in surprise. “You’re happy?”

And then both Lady Greenburg and her mother dissolved into fits of laughter. When they finally ceased, her mother stepped closer, a smile tugging at her lips. “You’re not the only one capable of plotting, young lady. Granted, you taught me a thing or two, but I think I utilized your methods very well indeed.”

Tillie gasped but Alex was already laughing behind her, his hand coming to her waist. “We’ve been outfoxed by our mothers.”

“But…” Tillie spluttered. “Viscount Bancroft.”

“A decoy,” her mother said, “to help you see just how right Lord Greenburg is for you.”

Tillie shook her head. Her mother had won after all. But then she stepped forward and wrapped her arms about her mother’s waist, the two of them hugging. Correction. They’d both won. She had Alex and her research. And, she had her mother too. “Thank you,” she whispered.

Her mother looked at her with her face so soft, Tillie melted a bit. “You’re very welcome my sweet Tillie.”

“Don’t you mean my hoyden Tillie?”

“That too,” her mother nodded. “But I do love you just the way you are.”

Tillie stared at her mother in surprise. She couldn’t wait to tell her sister what had just happened.

But it was Ben who cleared his throat behind them. “Do not even think about employing such tactics with me, mother. I won’t stand for it.”

Her mother gave a small laugh and then she winked at Tillie.

Tillie smothered a giggle. Her brother was in trouble.

* * *

Alex satin front of Ben, ready to negotiate the terms of his match with Tillie. Though the meeting was a formality and Ben his very good friend, he found himself wildly nervous. What if Ben resisted the match?

Alex hadn’t exactly followed convention with his courtship of Tillie but then again, so little about Tillie was conventional. She likely never would have agreed to be his wife if he had.

Still, as Ben sat behind his large maple desk, staring at Alex, he had to resist the urge to shift uncomfortably.

“I need to discuss a matter with you.”

Alex gave a quick nod. “Of course.”

“I received a letter from Lord Smith this morning.”

Alex blinked in confusion. Lord Smith? “I’m not sure I understand.”

“It’s about Juliet.”

Understanding dawned as he leaned forward. Tillie would wish to know whatever news had come immediately. “What’s wrong?”