Tillie drewin a deep gulp of air as she slipped from the ballroom and made her way down the dark path into the night.

Her absence would surely be noticed.

Unlike the last few times when her retreats from the ballroom had been short, or late in the evening, this time, she’d left in the middle of the party, and she didn’t plan to return.

But the occultation was happening.

As she’d spoken with Alex today, she’d allowed fear to hold her back once again. Fear he might reject her feelings, and fear she’d once again misunderstood his intentions. But no more.

Tonight, she was going to watch his astrological event with him and then she would tell him how she truly felt.

No matter the consequences.

Because she was Tillie Crosby. Her shoulders slumped a bit. What did that mean, precisely? At one point in time, she had lived her life without worry of consequence, but she’d been young and often foolish.

She couldn’t be that person always. It landed her in as much trouble as it did her good. But there were times when being braver had the potential to gain for her what she desired and that was the part of herself she needed to regain.

She’d share her feelings with Alex. That was her starting point. And she’d do it at the event that he valued more than any other because she loved him. And what he valued she would as well.

Besides, he was right. The sky was fascinating. Nearly as much as the earth below their feet and all the creatures that inhabited it.

A twig crunched under her dancing slipper as she neared the south field.

“Who goes there?” Alex bit out, his voice hard.

She smiled. So like that first night on the pergola. “I’ll tell you, if you tell me.”

A laugh met her words. “Tillie. What are you doing out here? The party must be in full swing.”

“I’ve never been one for parties,” she said as she stepped from the path and crossed to where he’d set up his telescope on the edge of the field. “But scientific phenomenon, that is another matter entirely.”

For the span of a moment, he paused, his gaze on her so that even in the dark, she could feel the heat of it, and suddenly, she was swept into his arms. Her feet came off the ground, her hands automatically coming to his shoulders as he spun her about, his arms locked about her waist.

“And your mother?” he asked, still holding her to his chest. He slowly set her feet back on the ground so that just her tiptoes touched the earth, but he still held her against him.

“Oh, she’s bound to be furious. She was orchestrating some conversation with Viscount Bancroft when I slipped away.” Tillie nipped at her lip. “I won’t tell her I was here.”

“It matters not to me if you do.”

Her breath caught as her mouth hung open. “Of course, you care. Our entire fight was about how you’d not be a tool used in my battle against my mother.”

“No, actually, it wasn’t.”

She blinked up at him trying to understand but, his face dropped lower to hers, their breath mingling together. “Our fight was because I want to be far more than your friend and I thought you didn’t feel the same.”

Her eyes widened in surprise even as his mouth dropped to hers. He stopped a fraction of an inch above her mouth, their gazes locking before he slowly pressed his lips to hers, a kiss that seemed to sear her vey soul.

“Alex?” she murmured against his mouth.

“I’m sorry,” he answered, but kissed her again. “I wanted to give you time but…”

“But what?” her pulse began to thrum in her veins.

“I can’t hold my feelings back anymore, Tillie. I want to marry you. I want to be your husband and your partner and support all that makes you special.”

What. Was. Happening? “Oh, you can’t be serious.”