She nodded. She understood completely.

“And I don’t really like to gamble. I’m not much of a drinker. I don’t fancy games or many other leisure activities.” His chin had grown granite hard.

But Tillie understood. “You’re like me. You don’t always fit in.”

“That’s right.”

“But.” Her gaze narrowed. “You always seem so perfect.”

He did look back at her then, a small smile tugging at his lips. “I don’t have your defiant flare. It’s a gift.”

That made her laugh. “That might be true. But it would do so much easier if I could just hide my flare a bit.” Then she wrinkled her nose. “And I’m finding, with my sister gone, that behind my flare is a wayward soul. I have so much passion but…”

His eyes lit with understanding. “You need direction.”

She nodded. “I nearly let Juliet pull me into her dreams. It was Millie who really reset my course. I need that at times.”

“Tillie,” he whispered softly. “I understand completely.”

Did she tell him that he’d become that voice for her? That it was part of the reason that she’d fallen in love with him?

* * *

Alex knewthey’d repaired the damage he’d caused earlier.

What he couldn’t decide was whether he dove into his deeper feelings. They’d reached some sort of solid ground. Did he risk removing it again?

Tillie stared up at him as though… as though she needed him. As though being in his arms was important and necessary.

And just as he knew he was in love, he also knew that he wanted to be that person for her. That he wanted to be the man behind the woman. He sucked in his breath. He loved his own hobby, but he’d finally found something he enjoyed just as much.

Supporting Tillie’s.

He slowly released his breath at the realization. How best did he do that? His grip tightened around her waist. The answer was so simple. He married her. He’d allow her to do all the work she required, and he’d help her.

Not only did he not mind, but it would also be thrilling. And exciting to watch her publish her work. As well as enriching to provide the structure for her to make that happen. They’d be more than husband and wife. They’d be partners.

Maybe she didn’t love him the way he did her, but she liked him. Enough to be very hurt by his rejection.

Surely her feelings would grow over time.

Especially when she understood what he offered. Part of him wished to launch into his request. Explain why his mother was right. She was perfect for him, and he could be the right man for her if she’d allow him.

But he hesitated.

He ought to wait. They had time and the day had already been wrought with emotion. His hand slid lightly up and down her spine as she continued to search his gaze.

“So we’re…friends again?”

“Friends,” he repeated with a frown, his hand stilling on her spine.

“That’s good,” she answered, finally looking away. “Good.”


A small sigh escaped her lips. “I suppose I should return to the picnic.”

“Do you wish to?” he asked, his palm flattening on her back. He didn’t want to let her go. He knew he should. They already risked being discovered alone and despite his mother’s assertion that he ought to be ready to offer, he’d not force Tillie into a match. He’d gain her consent before he took any further steps.