The pit of dread that had been settling in his stomach, spread to every limb of his body. “I do like you. I like you a great deal.” In fact, he more than liked her, which is why he’d allowed himself to get so carried away.

Her face pinched in pain. “You don’t or you wouldn’t have thought that about me.”

How did he tell her now? How did he share that it was his depth of feeling that had clouded his judgment?

Before he could come up with the correct words, she spun, turning her back to him.

“Tillie,” he said again. “I can explain—”

But she was already storming off, not toward the party but to the path that led to the estate. Did she really mean to walk all the way home?

“What happened?” his mother cried as she rushed down the hill toward him.

He shook his head. Why did his mother have to interfere now? She’d mostly left him alone this house party, which was a rarity, one he’d been enjoying.

“Mother, please,” he said pinching the bridge of his nose. Whatever he should have said, he’d managed to get it completely wrong. The last thing he wished to do was explain to his mother what a fool he’d been.

“Don’t you ‘please’ me,” she said shaking her finger. “You’re allowing her to get away.”

That made his hand drop and head snap up. “I’m allowing her…”

“Yes!” His mother’s arms flapped a bit in rare display of excitement.

Realization dawned in slow degrees. “It was Tillie.”

His mother’s arms dropped as her brows lifted.

“You wanted me to court Tillie all along.”

“Of course, I did,” his mother answered. “She’s perfect for you.”

He stared at her, trying to understand. Every woman that his mother had placed in front of him had been a traditional debutante. Tillie was anything but. “What?”

“You didn’t like those other ladies,” his mother said, her tone implying it was obvious. “I know my son.”

His mouth opened and closed. “You could tell that I didn’t find them…”

“Interesting?” his mother asked. “Of course.”

His jaw tightened. No wonder his mother hadn’t attempted to pair him with anyone else the entire party. He was gravitating toward the very woman she’d brought him here to spend time with.

“Was I that obvious?”

“No.” She shook her head, giving him a small smile. “Not at all. But I’m your mother, I know. Just as I’ve always known that you needed a hobby. And I’ve come to realize that you need a woman who might share some of your interests. A woman like Tillie.”

Alex looked down at his mother, his emotions completely overwhelming him. She’d understood him completely. Perhaps she didn’t wish to discuss the stars or stand out in the cool night air, but she had sensed that he needed a life partner who did share those things with him, and his mother had connected him with Tillie.

A woman who was passionate about the study of nearly everything and who would not only support him but fuel him with her own creative and scientific endeavors. Except, he’d likely ruined everything.

“I have to go, mother. I have to—”

“I know,” she answered with a soft smile. “Take your horse. And be ready to ask Ben for permission,” she added with a wink.

Did she say that because he and Tillie would be alone? Or did his mother expect him to be successful in winning Tillie’s hand?

Her confidence was very kind but perhaps not warranted. Because as angry and hurt Tillie had been, she might never wish to speak with him again.