Tillie stoodin the open air, watching the men trudge back from the hunt. The women were up upon a hill where they might better see the action. Blankets had been laid out for observing but lunch was about to be served and the men would join them before they returned to the field.

She caught sight of Alex, walking between her brother and Rangeley, her heart jumping into her throat.

She needed to speak with him, but she’d never been particularly adept at these sort of things. The correct words never came to her lips, or she just didn’t understand the other person correctly when they were speaking.

She clasped her hands watching the men’s progress. Alex’s gaze lifted, catching hers and then he paused, falling a half step behind.

But he didn’t smile. Even she could see that. Instead, his mouth tightened. Why was that? Did he regret their kiss last night?

Her stomach began to churn as Millie came to stand next to her. “Steady now. You’ll be all right.”

She looked at her sister. In many ways, Millie and Alex were a great deal alike. Steady. Kind. They both made her feel safe and cherished. “Are you certain? I think I’d rather jump from the pergola again than have this conversation.”

“The pergola?” Millie asked, quirking a brow. “Like when we were children?”

Tillie sighed. “Like when we were children.” Or just a few days ago. She really had been making a mess of this house party.

Rangeley reached them first, placing a hand on Millie’s elbow before he leaned down to place a kiss on her cheek. “How was your morning?”

“Lovely.” Millie beamed back. “Tillie and I spent the entire time catching up. And you?”

Rangeley looked back at Alex and Ben. “Very good, though the hunting hasn’t been much to brag about.”

“That’s likely because he spends his time gabbing,” Ben said with an easy smile.

Everyone laughed except Alex who hardly smiled. Tillie’s brow knitted in concern. Was something else wrong? Stepping out of the circle they’d created to join him, she stopped just in front of him, tilting her chin up to look at him. “Is everything all right?”

“Fine,” he answered, the word very difficult to read.

“Fine?” she repeated.


She doubted anything was fine. Her tongue darted out to wet her lips as she tried to decide how to proceed. “You’re certain?”

He drew in a deep breath, filling his chest. “I’m fine, Tillie. How are you?”

“Fine,” she answered automatically and then realized how ridiculous it was to repeat the word she’d just been debating. “What I mean to say is that I’m all right but I’m feeling a bit out of sorts today.”

“What’s wrong?” Concern instantly pulled his brows together as he took a step closer. His concern made her relax the tiniest bit.

“I’m fine,” she said, then cringed again. Looking over her shoulder, she noted Millie eyeing them over Rangeley’s shoulder. “Can we take a walk?” Movement would surely help order her thoughts. And they could use a bit more privacy.

“Of course.” His gaze flitted to her sister as well before he offered her his arm.

She slipped her hand in his, letting out a long whoosh of air. Touching him helped.

They made their way about the group of picnickers, working their way down the hill where they were still in clear view but out of earshot of the other guests.

“About last night…” Alex started.

Her body tensed, her lips pressing into a thin line. “Do you regret kissing me?”

“No,” he said, quickly turning toward her though she couldn’t quite bring herself to meet his eye. “That’s not what I meant at all.”

“I won’t tell my brother,” she said wishing to assure him that she’d not hold him to any promise a kiss might imply.