Alex inwardly groaned. He’d thought the same but hadn’t really wanted to believe it. But when someone else repeated the words…

“Alex is our family friend,” Ben said. “Tillie would no better than to use him to plot against me. He’d never keep a secret from me the way you did.”

Rangeley’s brows went up. “But would she use him in a plot and not tell him so?”

Pain lanced through him, and he grimaced as he considered the possibility. He knew he wasn’t even hiding the fact those words hurt. But Tillie was desperate to escape the marriage noose and he’d been more than willing to spend time with her. In fact, he’d been beyond enjoying himself.

But what was Tillie’s motivation? Even with the kiss, he’d told her he was going to kiss her rather than asking her permission. Granted, she hadn’t refused but…

He groaned, swiping a hand over his face.

“That’s enough, Rangeley,” Ben said, his voice sharp.

Rangeley winced. “Sorry, old chap. I didn’t think that one through.”

Alex shook his head. “You’re fine.” How could he get mad at a man for speaking the truth?

And he couldn’t be upset with Tillie either. She’d been nothing but clear that she was searching for her future, and he’d encouraged her to do exactly that. To be true to herself.

Still. He’d gone and fallen in love, and it became increasingly clear that he’d done so alone.