Tillie swallowed down a lump. “You really think so?”

Millie nodded. “I do. But what about you and your work?”

“I don’t know.” Tillie drew in a shaky breath. For someone who usually had the answers, she felt so out of her realm of comfort. But then she took a cleansing gulp of air. “He keeps saying that I ought to find my future and remember myself.”

“That is lovely,” Millie sighed. “And a good sign.”

“But how do I ask any of these questions without revealing my own interest? And what if I don’t like the answers he gives and—”

“Stop,” Millie said as she laughed. “One thing at a time. Just enjoy his company and see what happens from there.”

But Tillie frowned. “I need to understand him better. He’s like a riddle or a mathematical problem or—”

“I get the point. You want information. You’ve always wished to study the things that fascinate you.”

Was that what had happened? “But…” She rubbed her chin. “Once I decide to study something, I never seem to put it down. Look at my insects…”

Millie laughed even harder. “If you’re considering marriage that would be a very good thing.”

Tillie wasn’t so certain. “What if he doesn’t wish to marry me? Am I doomed to be fascinated with a man who only had a passing fancy for me?”

Millie stopped laughing. “That would be dreadful.”

“Dreadful,” she confirmed. And she really did need to find out more from him. Soon. With that in mind, she rose to get dressed for the day.

* * *

Alex stoodwith Ben and Lord Rangeley with their muskets tucked under their arms. They’d naturally fallen to the back of the group, where conversation was easier.

Though once conversation began, Alex instantly regretted the choice. Because the topic the other two men wished to discuss was none other than the woman who plagued his days and his nights. Tillie.

Plague might be a strong word, but he’d hardly slept last night thinking about that kiss. It had been so fantastic, the feel of her pressed against him, her feminine scent, the brush of her soft lips. He only wanted to kiss her like that again.

“She’s always been full of trouble.” Ben chuckled to himself. “Alex can tell you. Remember the time she put frogs in our beds?”

He cleared his throat. “I was thinking of that very story just the other day.”

Rangeley chuckled. “Tell me more. I think I would have liked to know Tillie when she was young. We’d have been great friends.”

Alex winced. He hadn’t been a friend to Tillie then. He was trying to be now, though kissing her likely hadn’t been the smartest move. She’d been so beautiful when she’d gone all the way out to see him. And they’d been alone, and…

“She was forever stirring up trouble in the best way,” Ben sighed. “I miss that Tillie, sometimes. She’s grown so much more sedate.”

“Me too,” Ales offered, scrubbing the back of his neck.

“Sedate?” Rangeley gave a coughing laugh. “The Tillie who set up a fake courtship between us to fool her entire family is the sedate version of the lady?”

Ben laughed. “Good point. She still stirs plenty of trouble. It’s just that of late…”

But Rangeley turned to him. “She’s the same Tillie. Isn’t she?”

“Why are you asking me?” Alex straightened. Granted, he’d known Tillie as a child and they’d spent time together at this party, but for years, they hardly knew each other at all. Ben was the one who could better answer this question about his sister.

“Because,” Rangeley gave him an assessing appraisal. “If she’s hatched a new plan, you’re surely the man with whom she’s hatched it.”

“Plan?” He stopped, standing taller.

“You know. Her mother’s been tossing Bancroft at her. Is she spending time with you to avoid him?”