
Having her out here was thrilling. Her support, her very presence. “Thank you for saying that. So few understand my passion for the subject.”

She’d begun bending down to place her eye over the piece, but she straightened. “That, I understand completely. Anytime you wish for a companion, you send me word.”

The promise stole his breath. No, she hadn’t declared her affection, but her support was enough. “Tillie.”

He loved her name on his tongue. There was something so lovely and warm even in her name. She heard it too and seemed to sway closer. “Alex.”

His hand slipped around her waist, gently pulling her closer. “How did I not see sooner how alike we are?”

Her hands slid up to his shoulders, her torso pressing to his. “Likely our differences got in the way.”

Their differences? He didn’t want to think of those now. She was so close and with her body pressed to his, her sweet floral scent wrapped about him as he dropped his chin. “What differences?”

She quietly laughed, the sound tickling his ears. “I can’t think of one currently.”

Neither could he, she fit against him so perfectly as he held her close, he’d begun to think of her as the missing parts of him, filling the hollow places.

“I’m going to kiss you, Tillie Crosby.”

She sucked in her breath. “I’ve never…” The words died on her lips, but he knew the end of the sentence without hearing the words.

She’d never been kissed. He would be the first. The idea filled him with satisfaction and excitement. Gently, slowly, he lowered his mouth to lightly brush his lips over hers.

They were soft and deliciously sweet. He lifted his mouth only to lower it again, another light kiss to tempt her into kissing him back.

Her hands slid up to his neck holding him close as he kissed her for a third time, this time her lips tentatively meeting his.

The effect was heady.

His hands flattened out on the small of her back, delighting in the feel of the curve of her back as they kissed again, Tillie’s confidence growing with each pass. He breathed her in, one hand tracing her spine.

“Alex?” she asked, her voice trembling.


“I…” she swallowed. “I haven’t looked through the telescope yet.”

His brows lifted. That is what she wished to say? The telescope? Did she regret the kiss? He grimaced as he considered the possibility. He’d been swept up in the moment. In her. Reluctantly, he took a step back, letting his hands slide away from her. “By all means.”

For a moment she stood staring at him before she bent once again, adjusting herself to see the night sky. “Now tell me…”


“Everything. What should I see and don’t leave out a single detail? I wish to know it all.”

He relaxed at that as he began to describe the view. He’d been waiting for someone to take an interest in his passion and now had a captive audience.

Why was that not enough? Likely because his heart was now involved, and it seemed more and more likely that hers hadn’t joined his.