Tillie stoodin the circles of Alex’s arms taking several deep breaths. She generally avoided dancing.

She was proficient enough, she supposed, but she lacked some art or grace. Her sister Millie had always had it and the instructor had compared the two girls endlessly.

Tillie let the air from her chest, closing her eyes. Fortunately, Alex wouldn’t see her dance, but would he feel her lack of skill? Her awkwardness?

The dance started and she found herself moving more stiffly than ever, aware of the crowd around them.

“Allow me to lead, Tillie,” Alex quietly whispered close to her ear. “Relax. I’ve got you.”

She did just that. Loosening up her shoulders, she tilted her chin to meet his gaze. He’d caught her when she’d jumped, he’d reminded her of who she used to be, the girl who still lived inside her, and he’d help her now.

She eased the tension in her body until the two of them floated over the floor, gliding in a way she’d never managed before.

Their eyes locked and the rest of the world melted away. She forgot about the other dancers, her mother, Viscount Bancroft, Lady Greenburg.

As the music moved through her, there was only Alex, only this moment. She allowed her fingers to dance down his arm, feeling the muscles beneath his jacket move as he guided them through a turn.

She searched his face as several thoughts flitted through her mind. He somehow smoothed her more jagged edges without compromising who she was at her heart.

Surprise coursed through her at the idea that he both brought out the best in her without making her feel inferior.

Did she do the same for him?

She blinked. What was important to Alex besides astronomy? And had she supported him the way he had her? She’d listened to him on their walk, but had she really participated in his studies the way he had hers? And what had she learned about his personal hopes and dreams beyond his singular hobby?

He seemed to know her. Understand the parameters of her life and what was holding her back. The insecurity that she wasn’t enough. The vacillating between being a woman of career and one of home and hearth.

Had she given him the same attention?

She winced to think that she hadn’t. The music began to fade away, their dance slowing, and regret tightened Tillie’s muscles. She didn’t want the dance to end, it had been the greatest of her life. But even more than that, she didn’t want to leave Alex’s side.

She wished to know him better. As they stopped, he whispered close to her ear. “Shall we make our way to dinner?”

“Oh yes,” she answered, threading her arm through his.

They started toward the dining room, her mother and his standing together and watching their progress.

Tillie cocked her head. So much for closing the rest of the world out. Were the two matrons upset their matchmaking was being subverted? Their glances suggested something was amiss.

No, that wasn’t precisely correct. But she didn’t have time to ask more because a voice called from her right. “Tillie!”

She turned to see her sister, Millie, and her new husband, Lord Rangeley, coming toward them, Millie waving at her. Excitement coursed through Tillie to see her sister again. “Oh, Millie! How I’ve missed you.”

She let go of Alex’s arm to embrace her sister. “When did you arrive home?”

“Earlier today,” Millie answered as she hugged Tillie. “Sorry we were late. It took us a bit of time to ready for the ball.”

Tillie was just glad her sister was here. Millie was one of the few people who loved Tillie for herself, and she’d been missing her sister terribly. “I’m so glad you’re here now.”

They hugged for several more seconds before they finally broke apart, introductions being made.

“So Lord Greenburg is an old family friend?” Lord Rangeley asked, as he assessed the other man.

Tillie nodded as she slipped her hand back into Alex’s arm. “You remember his mother, of course, Lady Greenburg.”

“How could I forget?” Rangeley chuckled. “She tried very hard to pair me with Tillie, actually.”