Tillie tappedher toe as Clara stuck another pin in her hair. Tonight they’d play games and then have dinner, an event her mother was referring to as “quiet.” With seventy people in attendance, Tillie doubted the word matched the upcoming evening, but she understood what her mother meant.

There wouldn’t be music or dancing, not tonight. That was reserved for tomorrow when half of the county would join them for the grand affair.

Tillie sighed. She’d love to sit out both evenings. In fact, she’d be thrilled to accompany Alex out to the south field and stare up at the sky for the rest of the night, but she knew that was impossible.

Her mother had planned this entire affair for Tillie’s benefit. Never mind that Tillie didn’t want it, there would be no escape.

Sitting on the table before her was Juliet’s still-unopened letter. Tillie’s mouth twitched. She’d been avoiding reading it today because now that she’d made up her mind, she would feel guilty when faced with all Juliet’s enthusiasm.

But it had to be done. Juliet had a right to know, and Tillie loved her too much not to share her decision right away. It wasn’t fair to her dear friend.

Clara finally finished the elaborate coif of curls with feathers and helped Tillie into her gown. Finally ready, the moment that Clara left, Tillie crossed back to her vanity and sliced open the letter from Juliet.

She’d expected the normal conversation of recent findings and the repeated plea for Tillie to join her but as her eyes scanned the contents of the letter, her breath caught. Several lines jumped out of her.

Something odd is happening. I don’t know how to describe it.


Best not to come now, I’m not sure how this will procced.

Not to come?What had happened? Was Juliet all right? Despite being in a silk gown, she rushed to fetch ink and quill as she sat herself down to reply. What did she say? Did she tell Juliet her news or simply focus on finding out what had happened to her friend?

But Clara knocked, opening the door once again. “Your mother would like you downstairs, my lady.”

Tillie sighed as she stood. Truth be told, it would be best to collect her thoughts before writing the letter. But what might be wrong with Juliet, and how to help her, plagued Tillie as she made her way downstairs to entertain guests.

But it wasn’t her mother that greeted her but her brother Ben and next to him…Alex.

Her breath caught as heat filled her cheeks.

“Tillie,” her brother called, raising a hand toward her. “Is it true that you gave Lord Greenburg a tour of your graveyard?”

He chuckled as Tillie’s skin bristled. Ben wasn’t being intentionally cruel. He was normally supportive of her endeavors, but she was sensitive. Alex had supported her today in a way so few did, she’d hate to lose that.

But it was Alex’s frown that made her shoulders relax again. “I found Tillie’s work to be exceptional,” he said, a hard edge to his voice.

Ben looked back at his friend, his eyebrows rising as he then turned back to look at Tillie where more warmth flooded her face. “Thank you, Lord Greenburg,” she said.

Her brother pressed his lips together. “Of course, it is. I was only teasing,” he said, then stepped closer to his sister, his grin apologetic. “We all take for granted how exceptionally intelligent our Tillie is.”

She appreciated the compliment. “Thank you, Ben.” But then it occurred to her, that when it came to Juliet, her intelligence was inadequate while Ben’s instincts were likely far more useful. “But I have a problem for which I’d like your advice.”

“Problem?” he said, moving closer.

“Problem?” Alex repeated, his own face colored with concern.

Her gaze caught his, the concern on his features, making her momentarily forget what she’d wished to say. “Yes. Well, not mine exactly. I received a letter from Juliet today and she claims she’s been distracted, and her research is stalled, but she won’t say why.”

“Is she questioning her decision?” Ben asked.

“Unlikely.” Juliet was even more dedicated to her work than Tillie. “You know Juliet. She is very committed. Short of illness or injury…” She twisted her hands.

“Lord Smith is near Juliet’s cottage. His family lives nearby,” Ben said. “Why don’t I ask him to check in on her? I can have the message delivered first thing in the morning.”

Relief swept through her. “That would be perfect. Thank you.”