Tillie walked next to Alex,a footman several paces behind, as they made their way down the shady trail toward the south field. In her pocket was a letter from her dearest friend, Juliet. She felt the paper, carefully folded in the dress of the pocket but she didn’t pull the paper out. In fact, she’d yet to read the contents. Normally, Juliet’s letters filled her with breathless excitement, her friend’s enthusiasm for her work contagious.

But today, she didn’t want to think of Juliet’s dreams for the future. They muddled her own. She took a quick glance at Alex next to her. At this moment, what she wanted most was to know more about the man he’d become.

“Will we pass by your telescope?”

“Yes,” Alex answered with a nod. “Which will be nice. It’s a bit disconcerting to have left such sensitive equipment out for the night.”

“It must be,” she said, threading her hand through his arm. “I’m trying to decide how I’d feel if I had to leave important samples out for the evening.” She gave a shiver. “Will you bring your telescope in for the night tonight?”

He shook his head. “I’m not certain. I hate to leave it out but to carry it in the dark…” He let out a deep breath. “I’m afraid I’ll inadvertently damage the piece in transit.”

“Walking or riding?”

“Walking,” he answered. “Why?”

“Most of the farm hands could take a small wagon on this trail even at night. One of them could surely drive a cart with you in it, holding your equipment. In that way, we could keep it from damage from either being left out or walked back to the house.”

“Good idea, Tillie, thank you.” Pleasure coursed through her at his praise.

“You’re welcome. Now, tell me more about the instrument itself.”

He did. She could hear the enthusiasm in his voice as he described the reflective properties of the telescope and how it enabled him to see far into the vast night sky.

Her breath caught to hear the passion in his voice, and she found herself moving closer. “Would you…” she hesitated. “Would you show me one night before you leave? It can be after the occultation? I don’t wish to interrupt but I’d very much like to see your work. Er…hobby.”

He gave her a wide smile. “I’d like very much to show you and I’d like it even better if you’d witnessed the event. So few people can even feign interest in what I find fascinating.”

That was something Tillie felt a great deal of empathy for. It was one of the primary reasons, besides fear, that she resisted marriage. How likely was it that her husband would support her work even as a hobby?

“Are there clubs of other enthusiasts?” she asked.

“There are.” He swallowed, though much of his regret had been replaced with his appreciation for her company. “And I might be at one, but my mother insisted that I come here instead.”

She winced. “Mothers.”

He chuckled at that. “Precisely. And mine is also set on marriage. Granted, her tactics are more subtle than your mother’s, but she still has matchmaking on her mind.”

“Does she?” Tillie asked feeling the oddest twist of jealousy. Both at the idea of him pursuing another woman and the ease at which he’d likely find a suitable candidate. “Has she tried to match you before now?”

“Many times,” he sighed. “But none of the ladies have suited me.”

Tillie understood. “Why do our mothers think they know what’s best for us?”

He shook his head. “I don’t know. But I do know, my mother is likely to keep pushing until she is successful.”

“Mine too,” she answered with a sigh. “It’s why I need to arrive upon some answers quickly.”

“Answers to what?” he asked, slowing as he studied her profile.

She took a deep breath. Dare she tell him? She’d shared her thoughts with no one besides her sister and her friend Juliet. “I’m considering…” she nibbled at her lip as she looked at the ground crunching with dead leaves beneath her feet, “I’m considering becoming a spinster.”

He was silent for so long she finally lifted her head to look over at him. Their eyes met, his shining with an intensity she barely understood. Finally, he murmured, “I see.”

A rush of words fell from her lips. “I want to be able to research and to dedicate myself to academic pursuits and I don’t see what husband would support that.”

He gave a quick nod. “I understand.”