He looked at Tillie again. If anyone could understand that, it was her. She’d never wished to do things as other people did them. And she always brought so much more zeal and curiosity to life.

“Good morning,” his mother called cheerily, coming up next to him in the line. “Did I hear we’re picnicking today?”

“We are,” he answered with a smile. “Though, I should warn you, Lady Matilda and I are going to walk rather than ride in the carriages.”

“Are you?” his mother asked, her brows lifting as she looked over at Tillie, just as she took a seat. “I see.”

Alex tried not to sigh. His mother had likely chosen the perfect carriage riding companions. A young debutante and her mother. He wasn’t sorry to miss that. He’d likely have spent the entire time discussing ribbons or the latest waltz or gossip from the ton. All of which held little interest to him.


He’d be walking with Tillie who would not only understand all that he told her about astronomy but would likely have a fair bit of enthusiasm for the hobby.

Tillie, who looked lovely in the moonlight and felt even better pressed against him. He glanced at her. She’d tied her dark hair back and her dress was pretty but made of sturdy wool. Her eyes sparkled as much during the day as they did at night and her smile stole his breath. He’d not give up that walk for anything. His mother’s agenda would have to wait.

“I’ll be at the picnic to sit with whomever you choose,” he said, turning back to his mother.

She pressed her lips together before she answered. “I’m sure you will.”

His own eyebrows drew together. No lecture about his duty or marriage? Had she changed tactics?

But he didn’t ask as he made his way to the table, taking the seat next to Tillie. He’d worry about his mother and her matchmaking plans later. For now, he’d just enjoy a morning spent with a sparkling gem of a lady.