“I’ll be fine,” she said back, tossing the words over her shoulder. “It was just a momentary—”

“I insist,” her mother cut her off. “We’ve a big night tonight and I won’t have you miss it.”

“Big night?” More dread trickled down her spine as she looked back her mother once again.

“That’s right.” Her mother gave her a large smile. “Isn’t it, Lord Rangeley?”

Rangeley cleared his throat. “If you say so, my lady.”

“I do,” her mother gushed. “Bring Millie to the sitting room just there and we’ll have a footman escort her up to her room.”

“I’ll have my tea and biscuits at least,” Millie said, planting her feet. Rangeley stopped with her, but her mother, not paying attention, nearly ran into their backs.

Her mother let out an irritated breath. “I’ll have it delivered to your room.”

Millie tried not to cry out in frustration. She needed to know what Tillie and Rangeley wished to tell her. If they were to wed…

She drew in a steadying breath. Parker had asked her for trust, explained that he and Tillie weren’t anything. And Tillie had insisted she didn’t wish to marry at all.

Was it her own insecurities that had been propelling her worries forward or had she been played a fool?