Parker walkeddown the narrow lane, wishing he could just keep going until he reached his own home. He might need that long to walk off all his feelings. Granted, the one-day horse ride might take him a week, but by the time he reached home, his insides might have finally calmed.
He wasn’t a man who ran away, but for a moment, he wanted to leave the whole situation behind.
He growled out his frustration, swatting at the air.
He loved Millie, he could clearly see that, but until this falsehood was cleared up, he could never tell her without looking like a cad.
Not that she’d even be his when the truth was exposed. He slowed down and his chest gave a throbbing ache as he rubbed his face. Millie would never be his. Was it better or worse that she think him a dreadful human being?
A carriage rumbled behind him and he turned to see the Farthington crest emblazoned on the side of the vehicle.
Was it Millie?
The driver pulled up on the reins, slowing down as the door snapped open.
His heart pounded with hope as he stepped to the side.
It wasn’t Millie who leaned out, but Tillie. And she didn’t look happy. “We need to talk.”
He gave a terse nod as he wondered what had happened that Tillie needed to speak with him. “Of course.”
And then he swung himself into the still-moving carriage.
The driver snapped the reins again and they were off, barreling toward the house.
Tillie glared at him, her arms crossed over her narrow chest. “Explain yourself.”
His brows went up as he settled back into the seat. For a petite woman, she did an impressive job of being formidable. “I’m afraid you’re going to have to be more specific than that.”
She let out a huff of air. “Millie told me you tried to kiss her.”
Surprise made him sit up again. “I did not try to kiss her.”
“As I said then. Explain yourself.”
“We nearly kissed. There is a very large difference between that and attempting and failing to kiss a woman.”
It was Tillie’s turn to sit back. “I suppose there is. But it begs the question. Why didn’t you?”
“Because…” He leaned forward, his elbows coming to his knees. “I made certain promises to you for one.”
“Then why almost do anything. It would have been far better if you’d left her alone entirely.”
He winced at that. “That it would.”
“So why then?”
He scrubbed his face. “I find that I hold a great affection for her. I—”
“Have you chosen her to be my replacement?” Tillie’s gaze bore into his.
“What?” he asked, anger rippling through her. “What are you saying?”
“I know you’re on a hunt for a dowry. It’s why you pursued me, isn’t it?”
His past was never going to let him go. She thought him nothing but a fortune hunter and his former reputation as a rake led her to that charge. “I don’t appreciate your claim. You make it sound as though I was on the hunt at any cost but that’s not what I did at all. I told you the absolute truth and was completely honest with both my feelings and what I offered you in return.”