“I suppose not,” Millie answered, wishing to get this whole confession over with. “But all the same…”

“This afternoon,” Tillie promised. “Or tonight. I swear it.”

“Very well,” she sighed. “But promise me that you’ll…”

“Millie?” her mother called. “Are you in here?”

Tillie jumped straighter. “Please. Get her out of here, would you?”

Millie looked at her sister. What was going on? Her mother could be a nuisance but it wasn’t like Tillie to say such things.

Then again, it was likely the least that Millie could do. “All right. But we will talk later. Won’t we?”

“Of course,” Tillie said, making a little shooing motion. “I promise. Now go. I don’t want her to find me here.”

Millie shook her head as she turned to redirect her mother. She’d come here to confess but she was beginning to wonder if she wasn’t the only one with a secret.