Which was a lie. Her insides began to churn as she looked at him, so many emotions flitting through her thoughts. Everything was not fine, in fact she was far from all right. Millie was falling in love with her sister’s suitor.

A small groan slipped past her lips.

“What’s wrong?” He asked, holding her hands tighter.

“I…” She licked her lips trying to choose her words carefully. “About this morning…”

His brows drew together as their gazes held.

She looked out the window, hoping that by not making eye contact, she might better formulate coherent words. “At the cabin…” Her voice dropped to a whisper. “We nearly...”

“Ah,” he said, the note of regret in his in his voice making her wince. “I understand.” His thumbs brushed over the back of her hands.

“You do?” She barely understood. How could he?

“I do. And I’d like to apologize, my lady. I never meant to put you in a compromising position.”

She shook her head. She didn’t wish to make him feel bad. The near kiss had been one of the most wonderful experiences of her life. “Please don’t apologize. It’s not that I didn’t wish to be there with you, it’s more that I should not have allowed myself to get so carried away.”

She felt him tense under her fingertips. “It was I who got carried away. You are so beautiful inside and out, I found myself unable to resist.”

Her heart roared in her ears, her pulse thrumming in her veins at his words. the words made her ache with longing. “I find it difficult to resist as well.”

“Do you?” And then he pulled her a touch closer. “Tell me, please, Millie.”

How did she tell him all that was in her heart without betraying her sister?