“Shh. This is why we’re going slow.” He kissed her again, tenderly moving his mouth over hers as if she were as delicate as a porcelain figurine.

Slowly, she guided his hand back with a sigh. The second he strummed his fingers over her button, she moaned, for the feelings were so exquisite. Tears leaked from the corners of her eyes to wet her cheeks. Over and over and over again, he caressed that little nubbin, which left her gasping and bucking her hips into his hand. He was magical in what he did, and he evoked the same in her until she feared she wouldn’t survive it.

“When you feel as if you can’t bear the pressure any longer, that’s when you’ll fall over the edge,” he whispered while he pulled and plucked, tweaked and rubbed.

Caroline didn’t know what that meant. How could one fall over an edge when one was lying on a bed? Barely had she thought about his words when a wave of indiscernible bliss rushed through her body. It tingled along her skin, pushed through every nerve ending and prickled every point in between. Contractions rocked deep in her core, and she cried out, completely ignorant of what was happening. She only knew that the touch of his hand had sent her… flying.

She sagged in his hold, exhausted and limp. “What… what was that? What you did?”

His chuckle held a satisfied edge. “Sent you over the edge. It’s called finding release or hitting orgasm, and when someone has been sufficiently aroused enough, those feelings break over them, making them feel a brief euphoria.”

“I rather liked it,” she admitted and turned onto her side toward him. “Amazing.” Too overwhelmed by what happened, Caroline gave into the urge and let tears fall down her cheeks.

“Shh. It’s all right, and that’s a perfectly acceptable reaction.” John gathered her close, wrapped his arms around her. He dropped a kiss to her forehead. “I’m glad I could make you feel something other than anger.”

“Me too.” For a few moments, she buried her face into the crook of his shoulder while she softly cried. Eventually, she came back to herself and kissed his shoulder. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Strain wove through his voice. “There is so much more.”

Another tremble went down her spine. “I can’t survive more.”

He eased away enough so he could meet her eyes. “Ever?” Concern creased his brow.

Oh, how was it possible he was becoming so dear? “No. Only today.” She forced a swallow into her dry throat. “It’s too much, too big. I need to think about it.”

“I understand.” Though he nodded, a flash of disappointment pooled in those golden-brown depths.

Would she ever be ready? She didn’t know. “It was nice.” Caroline shifted her position, and her knee went into the soft flesh between his legs.

John groaned. “Give me a few moments for things to settle. Then we’ll finish tea.”

That didn’t sound fair somehow. For all the pleasure he’d given her today, she should return the favor. Caroline struggled into a sitting position. She tugged her bodice back into place while running her gaze over the bulge straining the front of his breeches. “Can I touch you?”

“Yes, but beware, love, I’m teetering on the edge.”

She gasped. Did that mean she could send him over like he did her?

“Caroline.” He took her hand, tugging her slightly toward him until she met his gaze. “I promise I won’t bed you until you’re ready.”

“I know.” When she reached for his front falls, he anticipated her and quickly freed the buttons from their holes. “Go gently else I’ll explode. I only have so much control.”

“It’s… amazing.” She’d never seen anything quite like his member. He was so large. A tentative touch to the appendage revealed it to be both soft and hard at the same time, and so hot! Glancing her fingers along the wrinkled skin of the shaft, she marveled. “It is alive.” When she rubbed her fingers over the wide head, a bead of moisture seeped from the slit. “You’re so… big.” Eventually, he would try to put… that inside her. She felt her eyes widen. Surely it wouldn’t fit. Something akin to panic welled in her chest, made her heart pound with fright. How would any of that work?

“Yes, well, some of us are.” His voice was graveled, a true testament to the strain he was under while she explored, but at least the words scattered her thoughts. “Here.” He took her hand, showed her how to wrap her fingers around his shaft and then how to stroke him. “This will bring me pleasure.”

“How wonderous.” He was hot in her palm, and silky soft. Each time she pumped her curled hand up and down his arousal, the tool grew slightly thicker, fatter, harder.


Even more surprising, when she did that to him and he responded with groans of approval, the longing for that elusive something returned to throb deep inside her own body.

“Oh, God!” With a strangled moan, John scrabbled over the counterpane. He grabbed up his discarded shirt and quickly clutched it over himself, but his expression reflected much the same bliss that she’d felt when he’d played at her button. For a few seconds, he was lost to her. When he came back to himself, a flush colored his neck and cheeks. “My apologies.”

“For what?” She peeked at the shirt, but when she went to tug at the garment, he batted her hand away. “Did you find release?”

“Yes, and I’m like a university boy, coming in my shirt like that. In front of my wife.”

She smiled. He was so funny. “Might I see?”

“Not right now. It’s messy.” While she watched, John wiped at the ejaculation, and after he’d thrown the shirt to the floor, he quickly did up the buttons of his front falls. All too soon, his glorious member—now flagging—was hidden from view. “Would you like tea?”

“Yes, but might we lay together for a bit?” She’d rather enjoyed being that close to him. “I like your arms around me.”

His grin released butterflies in her low belly and stirred the restless feeling that coiled like a hungry serpent. “We can certainly do that. He lay down, stretching out on his side, and when Caroline snuggled into him with her backside to his front, she sighed when he wrapped her in the protective circle of his arms.

This day had easily been the best one of her life.