A shiver wracked her shoulders. “Will you, ah, kiss again me?”

Interest lit those marvelous eyes, that now had specks of green in the irises. “Are you certain?” He moved them both back toward the shallower water.

When her feet touched the slippery bottom, she nodded. “Yes.” For whatever reason, she absolutely needed to feel his lips on hers, had to be closer to him.

“Then I shouldn’t disappoint my wife.” Not once did he relinquish his hold on her, and she remained snug in his arms. He bent his head, lowered his lips to hers in the most gentle of kisses.

An involuntary moan escaped her throat, for this kiss was as warm and encompassing as the first, but now she knew what to except. The fear and confusion of the last one had vanished. In its place came excitement and an unexplainable hunger that began deep within her chest. Caroline looped her arms about his shoulders, pressed her body closer to his. A certain hard portion of his anatomy twitched insistently at her belly, but before she could wonder about that, he deepened their embrace.

When he licked her bottom lip and then did the same to the upper one, Caroline gasped, for the wild sensations he invoked were all too new and interesting. She let her hand drift to his nape, encouraging him closer. As his tongue touched hers, coaxed hers, bossed it, she explored, and soon the sensuous glide of satin on silk became her world.

Why had no one told her how glorious kissing could be? Just when she was beginning to delight in it, he slipped a hand from her hip up her ribcage, and as he cupped her breast, a shudder of need careened down her spine. She gasped again, and this time broke the kiss. His hand was big and comforting on that part of her, and oh how she wanted him to do more! The longing in her breasts practically demanded it.


He kissed her again, teasing the corners of her lips with nibbles and licks. As he did so, he brushed the pad of his thumb over her hardened, aching nipple, and she gasped again. Pleasure streaked through her breasts to zip into that place between her thighs. No one had made her feel like that. Except him.

John pulled away. His grin was by far too wicked for her peace of mind. “I don’t wish to spook you, so we’ll stop right here.”

As much as she agreed and needed time to breathe and think over what his touch did to her, she also wished he hadn’t stopped. “Kissing is like how music feels me.” Of course the words were jumbled, but she didn’t care.

“That’s a good thing.” He tugged on her hand, leading her out of the water. When her gaze dropped to the front of his breeches to linger on the large bulge behind the fabric, his grin widened. “I, uh, am going for a walk. Back soon. Don’t wander off.”

Caroline had no intention of going anywhere, not when her feet felt like they barely touched the grass. With a wave, she dropped onto the blanket and smiled. She rather liked him cheeky and interested.