That worried him. What if she didn’t enjoy physical contact? “We will only move forward if you wish it. On all fronts.”

“All right.” And still she watched him.

Damn, but he wanted to land facers to every single person who’d harmed her—both physically and mentally—during her lifetime, for each one of them had left scars behind that now she had to do battle with. But he was no stranger to defending the people he cared about, and so he would here. Slowly, so he wouldn’t spook her, John slipped a hand up to cup her cheek. Her trembles transferred to him, and he was all too cognizant of the responsibility he carried. Equally as slowly, he leaned forward and brushed his lips against hers.

And she watched him the whole time. What was she thinking?

Pulling slightly away, he asked, “All right?”

Surprise clouded her eyes. “Yes.”

“Do you want me to continue?”

“Yes. Please.”

The properness of her request went straight to his shaft, tightening it. In his mind’s eye, he could easily envision her begging him for other things in the bedroom, but that was an eventuality he’d need to wait for, and he would, gladly, for she was worth it. Shoving the thought away, he edged his fingers around to frame the back of her head, furrowing them through her hair. Then he pressed his lips to her again. This time, he kissed her with a touch more intensity, exploring both soft pieces of flesh with his, giving her a different sort of introduction, welcoming her into a new world.

And God he hoped he didn’t muck it up.

“Oh.” A sigh shuddered from her. She laid a palm on his chest and leaned into to him, pressing her lips to his while her eyelids fluttered closed.

He quietly rejoiced but continued to gently treat her to chaste kisses that held little heat or insistence. There would be time enough to introduce her to that. As it was, shock roiled through his chest while warmth enveloped him. She was soft and interested, and her fingers curled into his cravat the longer their kisses continued.

Perhaps there was a chance for them after all.

Eventually, he pulled away for fear he might go too quickly or demand too much. “That was quite nice.”

Caroline trembled as if she’d been plunged into sudden cold. Shock and surprise pooled in her eyes. “It was… it was… I know didn’t… too much!” She shook her head as her upset deepened and her words failed. She waved him away, shoved at his shoulder.

Well, damn.John returned to his bench. Failure sat heavy on his chest. “I apologize if I frightened you.”

Caroline shook her head. Her eyes were round, and she kept touching her lips with her fingers.

It was difficult to ascertain what that meant. “Did you enjoy the kiss?” Perhaps she didn’t know how to react to the new feelings being introduced. That made sense.

She nodded, but she still didn’t speak.

“Good.” He breathed a tiny sigh of relief. “We can work with that.” While she snatched up her sketchbook and worked furiously on a drawing, he leaned back against the squabs and turned his attention to the window.

Kissing her, even chastely, had affected him more than he’d anticipated. John tamped his reaction and willed his awakening shaft to settle. It would be a long honeymoon period—hell, an even longer first year of marriage—if there were no carnal pleasures or even further kissing.

But then, he’d long ago learned patience, and he would wait for her because she deserved to experience everything the world could offer at her own pace.

Even if it was just him for the time being.